Resource Types:Authentication
(Appears on: OrganizationSpec)
Field | Description |
oidc OIDCConfig | OIDConfig configures the OIDC provider. |
scim SCIMConfig | SCIMConfig configures the SCIM client. |
Cluster is the Schema for the clusters API
Field | Description | ||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field. | ||||
spec ClusterSpec |
| ||||
status ClusterStatus |
(Appears on: ClusterSpec)
ClusterAccessMode configures the access mode to the customer cluster.
ClusterConditionType is a valid condition of a cluster.
(Appears on: ClusterSpec)
ClusterKubeConfig configures kube config values.
Field | Description |
maxTokenValidity int32 | MaxTokenValidity specifies the maximum duration for which a token remains valid in hours. |
ClusterKubeconfig is the Schema for the clusterkubeconfigs API ObjectMeta.OwnerReferences is used to link the ClusterKubeconfig to the Cluster ObjectMeta.Generation is used to detect changes in the ClusterKubeconfig and sync local kubeconfig files ObjectMeta.Name is designed to be the same with the Cluster name
Field | Description | ||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field. | ||
spec ClusterKubeconfigSpec |
| ||
status ClusterKubeconfigStatus |
(Appears on: ClusterKubeconfigAuthInfoItem)
Field | Description |
auth-provider k8s.io/client-go/tools/clientcmd/api.AuthProviderConfig | |
client-certificate-data []byte | |
client-key-data []byte |
(Appears on: ClusterKubeconfigData)
Field | Description |
name string | |
user ClusterKubeconfigAuthInfo |
(Appears on: ClusterKubeconfigClusterItem)
Field | Description |
server string | |
certificate-authority-data []byte |
(Appears on: ClusterKubeconfigData)
Field | Description |
name string | |
cluster ClusterKubeconfigCluster |
(Appears on: ClusterKubeconfigContextItem)
Field | Description |
cluster string | |
user string | |
namespace string |
(Appears on: ClusterKubeconfigData)
Field | Description |
name string | |
context ClusterKubeconfigContext |
(Appears on: ClusterKubeconfigSpec)
ClusterKubeconfigData stores the kubeconfig data ready to use kubectl or other local tooling It is a simplified version of clientcmdapi.Config: https://pkg.go.dev/k8s.io/client-go/tools/clientcmd/api#Config
Field | Description |
kind string | |
apiVersion string | |
clusters []ClusterKubeconfigClusterItem | |
users []ClusterKubeconfigAuthInfoItem | |
contexts []ClusterKubeconfigContextItem | |
current-context string | |
preferences ClusterKubeconfigPreferences |
(Appears on: ClusterKubeconfigData)
(Appears on: ClusterKubeconfig)
ClusterKubeconfigSpec stores the kubeconfig data for the cluster The idea is to use kubeconfig data locally with minimum effort (with local tools or plain kubectl): kubectl get cluster-kubeconfig $NAME -o yaml | yq -y .spec.kubeconfig
Field | Description |
kubeconfig ClusterKubeconfigData |
(Appears on: ClusterKubeconfig)
Field | Description |
statusConditions StatusConditions |
(Appears on: PluginPresetSpec)
ClusterOptionOverride defines which plugin option should be override in which cluster
Field | Description |
clusterName string | |
overrides []PluginOptionValue |
ClusterSelector specifies a selector for clusters by name or by label with the option to exclude specific clusters.
Field | Description |
clusterName string | Name of a single Cluster to select. |
labelSelector Kubernetes meta/v1.LabelSelector | LabelSelector is a label query over a set of Clusters. |
excludeList []string | ExcludeList is a list of Cluster names to exclude from LabelSelector query. |
(Appears on: Cluster)
ClusterSpec defines the desired state of the Cluster.
Field | Description |
accessMode ClusterAccessMode | AccessMode configures how the cluster is accessed from the Greenhouse operator. |
kubeConfig ClusterKubeConfig | KubeConfig contains specific values for |
(Appears on: Cluster)
ClusterStatus defines the observed state of Cluster
Field | Description |
kubernetesVersion string | KubernetesVersion reflects the detected Kubernetes version of the cluster. |
bearerTokenExpirationTimestamp Kubernetes meta/v1.Time | BearerTokenExpirationTimestamp reflects the expiration timestamp of the bearer token used to access the cluster. |
statusConditions StatusConditions | StatusConditions contain the different conditions that constitute the status of the Cluster. |
nodes map[string]./pkg/apis/greenhouse/v1alpha1.NodeStatus | Nodes provides a map of cluster node names to node statuses |
(Appears on: ManagedPluginStatus, PropagationStatus, StatusConditions)
Condition contains additional information on the state of a resource.
Field | Description |
type ConditionType | Type of the condition. |
status Kubernetes meta/v1.ConditionStatus | Status of the condition. |
reason ConditionReason | Reason is a one-word, CamelCase reason for the condition’s last transition. |
lastTransitionTime Kubernetes meta/v1.Time | LastTransitionTime is the last time the condition transitioned from one status to another. |
message string | Message is an optional human readable message indicating details about the last transition. |
(Appears on: Condition)
ConditionReason is a valid reason for a condition of a resource.
(Appears on: Condition)
ConditionType is a valid condition of a resource.
(Appears on: PluginDefinitionSpec, PluginStatus)
HelmChartReference references a Helm Chart in a chart repository.
Field | Description |
name string | Name of the HelmChart chart. |
repository string | Repository of the HelmChart chart. |
version string | Version of the HelmChart chart. |
(Appears on: PluginStatus)
HelmReleaseStatus reflects the status of a Helm release.
Field | Description |
status string | Status is the status of a HelmChart release. |
firstDeployed Kubernetes meta/v1.Time | FirstDeployed is the timestamp of the first deployment of the release. |
lastDeployed Kubernetes meta/v1.Time | LastDeployed is the timestamp of the last deployment of the release. |
pluginOptionChecksum string | PluginOptionChecksum is the checksum of plugin option values. |
diff string | Diff contains the difference between the deployed helm chart and the helm chart in the last reconciliation |
(Appears on: PluginPresetStatus)
ManagedPluginStatus defines the Ready condition of a managed Plugin identified by its name.
Field | Description |
pluginName string | |
readyCondition Condition |
(Appears on: ClusterStatus)
Field | Description |
statusConditions StatusConditions | We mirror the node conditions here for faster reference |
ready bool | Fast track to the node ready condition. |
(Appears on: Authentication)
Field | Description |
issuer string | Issuer is the URL of the identity service. |
redirectURI string | RedirectURI is the redirect URI to be used for the OIDC flow against the upstream IdP. If none is specified, the Greenhouse ID proxy will be used. |
clientIDReference SecretKeyReference | ClientIDReference references the Kubernetes secret containing the client id. |
clientSecretReference SecretKeyReference | ClientSecretReference references the Kubernetes secret containing the client secret. |
oauth2ClientRedirectURIs []string | OAuth2ClientRedirectURIs are a registered set of redirect URIs. When redirecting from the idproxy to the client application, the URI requested to redirect to must be contained in this list. |
Organization is the Schema for the organizations API
Field | Description | ||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field. | ||||||||
spec OrganizationSpec |
| ||||||||
status OrganizationStatus |
(Appears on: Organization)
OrganizationSpec defines the desired state of Organization
Field | Description |
displayName string | DisplayName is an optional name for the organization to be displayed in the Greenhouse UI. Defaults to a normalized version of metadata.name. |
authentication Authentication | Authentication configures the organizations authentication mechanism. |
description string | Description provides additional details of the organization. |
mappedOrgAdminIdPGroup string | MappedOrgAdminIDPGroup is the IDP group ID identifying org admins |
(Appears on: Organization)
OrganizationStatus defines the observed state of an Organization
Field | Description |
statusConditions StatusConditions | StatusConditions contain the different conditions that constitute the status of the Organization. |
Plugin is the Schema for the plugins API
Field | Description | ||||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field. | ||||||||||
spec PluginSpec |
| ||||||||||
status PluginStatus |
PluginDefinition is the Schema for the PluginDefinitions API
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field. | ||||||||||||||||||
spec PluginDefinitionSpec |
| ||||||||||||||||||
status PluginDefinitionStatus |
(Appears on: PluginDefinition)
PluginDefinitionSpec defines the desired state of PluginDefinitionSpec
Field | Description |
displayName string | DisplayName provides a human-readable label for the pluginDefinition. |
description string | Description provides additional details of the pluginDefinition. |
helmChart HelmChartReference | HelmChart specifies where the Helm Chart for this pluginDefinition can be found. |
uiApplication UIApplicationReference | UIApplication specifies a reference to a UI application |
options []PluginOption | RequiredValues is a list of values required to create an instance of this PluginDefinition. |
version string | Version of this pluginDefinition |
weight int32 | Weight configures the order in which Plugins are shown in the Greenhouse UI. Defaults to alphabetical sorting if not provided or on conflict. |
icon string | Icon specifies the icon to be used for this plugin in the Greenhouse UI. Icons can be either: - A string representing a juno icon in camel case from this list: https://github.com/sapcc/juno/blob/main/libs/juno-ui-components/src/components/Icon/Icon.component.js#L6-L52 - A publicly accessible image reference to a .png file. Will be displayed 100x100px |
docMarkDownUrl string | DocMarkDownUrl specifies the URL to the markdown documentation file for this plugin. Source needs to allow all CORS origins. |
(Appears on: PluginDefinition)
PluginDefinitionStatus defines the observed state of PluginDefinition
(Appears on: PluginDefinitionSpec)
Field | Description |
name string | Name/Key of the config option. |
default k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/apis/apiextensions/v1.JSON | (Optional) Default provides a default value for the option |
description string | Description provides a human-readable text for the value as shown in the UI. |
displayName string | DisplayName provides a human-readable label for the configuration option |
required bool | Required indicates that this config option is required |
type PluginOptionType | Type of this configuration option. |
regex string | Regex specifies a match rule for validating configuration options. |
(Appears on: PluginOption)
PluginOptionType specifies the type of PluginOption.
(Appears on: ClusterOptionOverride, PluginSpec)
PluginOptionValue is the value for a PluginOption.
Field | Description |
name string | Name of the values. |
value k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/apis/apiextensions/v1.JSON | Value is the actual value in plain text. |
valueFrom ValueFromSource | ValueFrom references a potentially confidential value in another source. |
PluginPreset is the Schema for the PluginPresets API
Field | Description | ||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field. | ||||||
spec PluginPresetSpec |
| ||||||
status PluginPresetStatus |
(Appears on: PluginPreset)
PluginPresetSpec defines the desired state of PluginPreset
Field | Description |
plugin PluginSpec | PluginSpec is the spec of the plugin to be deployed by the PluginPreset. |
clusterSelector Kubernetes meta/v1.LabelSelector | ClusterSelector is a label selector to select the clusters the plugin bundle should be deployed to. |
clusterOptionOverrides []ClusterOptionOverride | ClusterOptionOverrides define plugin option values to override by the PluginPreset |
(Appears on: PluginPreset)
PluginPresetStatus defines the observed state of PluginPreset
Field | Description |
statusConditions StatusConditions | StatusConditions contain the different conditions that constitute the status of the PluginPreset. |
pluginStatuses []ManagedPluginStatus | PluginStatuses contains statuses of Plugins managed by the PluginPreset. |
availablePlugins int | AvailablePlugins is the number of available Plugins managed by the PluginPreset. |
readyPlugins int | ReadyPlugins is the number of ready Plugins managed by the PluginPreset. |
failedPlugins int | FailedPlugins is the number of failed Plugins managed by the PluginPreset. |
(Appears on: Plugin, PluginPresetSpec)
PluginSpec defines the desired state of Plugin
Field | Description |
pluginDefinition string | PluginDefinition is the name of the PluginDefinition this instance is for. |
displayName string | DisplayName is an optional name for the Plugin to be displayed in the Greenhouse UI. This is especially helpful to distinguish multiple instances of a PluginDefinition in the same context. Defaults to a normalized version of metadata.name. |
optionValues []PluginOptionValue | Values are the values for a PluginDefinition instance. |
clusterName string | ClusterName is the name of the cluster the plugin is deployed to. If not set, the plugin is deployed to the greenhouse cluster. |
releaseNamespace string | ReleaseNamespace is the namespace in the remote cluster to which the backend is deployed. Defaults to the Greenhouse managed namespace if not set. |
(Appears on: Plugin)
PluginStatus defines the observed state of Plugin
Field | Description |
helmReleaseStatus HelmReleaseStatus | HelmReleaseStatus reflects the status of the latest HelmChart release. This is only configured if the pluginDefinition is backed by HelmChart. |
version string | Version contains the latest pluginDefinition version the config was last applied with successfully. |
helmChart HelmChartReference | HelmChart contains a reference the helm chart used for the deployed pluginDefinition version. |
uiApplication UIApplicationReference | UIApplication contains a reference to the frontend that is used for the deployed pluginDefinition version. |
weight int32 | Weight configures the order in which Plugins are shown in the Greenhouse UI. |
description string | Description provides additional details of the plugin. |
exposedServices map[string]./pkg/apis/greenhouse/v1alpha1.Service | ExposedServices provides an overview of the Plugins services that are centrally exposed. It maps the exposed URL to the service found in the manifest. |
statusConditions StatusConditions | StatusConditions contain the different conditions that constitute the status of the Plugin. |
(Appears on: TeamRoleBindingStatus)
PropagationStatus defines the observed state of the TeamRoleBinding’s associated rbacv1 resources on a Cluster
Field | Description |
clusterName string | ClusterName is the name of the cluster the rbacv1 resources are created on. |
condition Condition | Condition is the overall Status of the rbacv1 resources created on the cluster |
(Appears on: Authentication)
Field | Description |
baseURL string | URL to the SCIM server. |
authType github.com/cloudoperators/greenhouse/pkg/scim.AuthType | AuthType defined possible authentication type |
basicAuthUser ValueFromSource | User to be used for basic authentication. |
basicAuthPw ValueFromSource | Password to be used for basic authentication. |
bearerToken ValueFromSource | BearerToken to be used for bearer token authorization |
bearerPrefix string | BearerPrefix to be used to defined bearer token prefix |
bearerHeader string | BearerHeader to be used to defined bearer token header |
(Appears on: OIDCConfig, ValueFromSource)
SecretKeyReference specifies the secret and key containing the value.
Field | Description |
name string | Name of the secret in the same namespace. |
key string | Key in the secret to select the value from. |
(Appears on: PluginStatus)
Service references a Kubernetes service of a Plugin.
Field | Description |
namespace string | Namespace is the namespace of the service in the target cluster. |
name string | Name is the name of the service in the target cluster. |
port int32 | Port is the port of the service. |
protocol string | Protocol is the protocol of the service. |
(Appears on: ClusterKubeconfigStatus, ClusterStatus, NodeStatus, OrganizationStatus, PluginPresetStatus, PluginStatus, TeamMembershipStatus, TeamRoleBindingStatus, TeamStatus)
A StatusConditions contains a list of conditions. Only one condition of a given type may exist in the list.
Field | Description |
conditions []Condition |
Team is the Schema for the teams API
Field | Description | ||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field. | ||||||
spec TeamSpec |
| ||||||
status TeamStatus |
TeamMembership is the Schema for the teammemberships API
Field | Description | ||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field. | ||
spec TeamMembershipSpec |
| ||
status TeamMembershipStatus |
(Appears on: TeamMembership)
TeamMembershipSpec defines the desired state of TeamMembership
Field | Description |
members []User | (Optional) Members list users that are part of a team. |
(Appears on: TeamMembership)
TeamMembershipStatus defines the observed state of TeamMembership
Field | Description |
lastSyncedTime Kubernetes meta/v1.Time | (Optional) LastSyncedTime is the information when was the last time the membership was synced |
lastUpdateTime Kubernetes meta/v1.Time | (Optional) LastChangedTime is the information when was the last time the membership was actually changed |
statusConditions StatusConditions | StatusConditions contain the different conditions that constitute the status of the TeamMembership. |
TeamRole is the Schema for the TeamRoles API
Field | Description | ||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field. | ||||||
spec TeamRoleSpec |
| ||||||
status TeamRoleStatus |
TeamRoleBinding is the Schema for the rolebindings API
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field. | ||||||||||||||
spec TeamRoleBindingSpec |
| ||||||||||||||
status TeamRoleBindingStatus |
(Appears on: TeamRoleBinding)
TeamRoleBindingSpec defines the desired state of a TeamRoleBinding
Field | Description |
teamRoleRef string | TeamRoleRef references a Greenhouse TeamRole by name |
teamRef string | TeamRef references a Greenhouse Team by name |
usernames []string | Usernames defines list of users to add to the (Cluster-)RoleBindings |
clusterName string | ClusterName is the name of the cluster the rbacv1 resources are created on. |
clusterSelector Kubernetes meta/v1.LabelSelector | ClusterSelector is a label selector to select the Clusters the TeamRoleBinding should be deployed to. |
namespaces []string | Namespaces is a list of namespaces in the Greenhouse Clusters to apply the RoleBinding to. If empty, a ClusterRoleBinding will be created on the remote cluster, otherwise a RoleBinding per namespace. |
createNamespaces bool | CreateNamespaces when enabled the controller will create namespaces for RoleBindings if they do not exist. |
(Appears on: TeamRoleBinding)
TeamRoleBindingStatus defines the observed state of the TeamRoleBinding
Field | Description |
statusConditions StatusConditions | StatusConditions contain the different conditions that constitute the status of the TeamRoleBinding. |
clusters []PropagationStatus | PropagationStatus is the list of clusters the TeamRoleBinding is applied to |
(Appears on: TeamRole)
TeamRoleSpec defines the desired state of a TeamRole
Field | Description |
rules []Kubernetes rbac/v1.PolicyRule | Rules is a list of rbacv1.PolicyRules used on a managed RBAC (Cluster)Role |
aggregationRule Kubernetes rbac/v1.AggregationRule | AggregationRule describes how to locate ClusterRoles to aggregate into the ClusterRole on the remote cluster |
labels map[string]string | Labels are applied to the ClusterRole created on the remote cluster. This allows using TeamRoles as part of AggregationRules by other TeamRoles |
(Appears on: TeamRole)
TeamRoleStatus defines the observed state of a TeamRole
(Appears on: Team)
TeamSpec defines the desired state of Team
Field | Description |
description string | Description provides additional details of the team. |
mappedIdPGroup string | IdP group id matching team. |
joinUrl string | URL to join the IdP group. |
(Appears on: Team)
TeamStatus defines the observed state of Team
Field | Description |
statusConditions StatusConditions | |
members []User |
(Appears on: PluginDefinitionSpec, PluginStatus)
UIApplicationReference references the UI pluginDefinition to use.
Field | Description |
url string | URL specifies the url to a built javascript asset. By default, assets are loaded from the Juno asset server using the provided name and version. |
name string | Name of the UI application. |
version string | Version of the frontend application. |
(Appears on: TeamMembershipSpec, TeamStatus)
User specifies a human person.
Field | Description |
id string | ID is the unique identifier of the user. |
firstName string | FirstName of the user. |
lastName string | LastName of the user. |
email string | Email of the user. |
(Appears on: PluginOptionValue, SCIMConfig)
ValueFromSource is a valid source for a value.
Field | Description |
secret SecretKeyReference | Secret references the secret containing the value. |
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