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Plugin Catalog

Plugin Catalog overview

This section provides an overview of the available PluginDefinitions in Greenhouse.

1 - Alerts

Learn more about the alerts plugin. Use it to activate Prometheus alert management for your Greenhouse organisation.

The main terminologies used in this document can be found in core-concepts.


This Plugin includes a preconfigured Prometheus Alertmanager, which is deployed and managed via the Prometheus Operator, and Supernova, an advanced user interface for Prometheus Alertmanager. Certificates are automatically generated to enable sending alerts from Prometheus to Alertmanager. These alerts can too be sent as Slack notifications with a provided set of notification templates.

Components included in this Plugin:

This Plugin usually is deployed along the kube-monitoring Plugin and does not deploy the Prometheus Operator itself. However, if you are intending to use it stand-alone, you need to explicitly enable the deployment of Prometheus Operator, otherwise it will not work. It can be done in the configuration interface of the plugin.

Alerts Plugin Architecture


This is not meant to be a comprehensive package that covers all scenarios. If you are an expert, feel free to configure the plugin according to your needs.

The Plugin is a deeply configured kube-prometheus-stack Helm chart which helps to keep track of versions and community updates.

It is intended as a platform that can be extended by following the guide.

Contribution is highly appreciated. If you discover bugs or want to add functionality to the plugin, then pull requests are always welcome.

Quick start

This guide provides a quick and straightforward way to use alerts as a Greenhouse Plugin on your Kubernetes cluster.


  • A running and Greenhouse-onboarded Kubernetes cluster. If you don’t have one, follow the Cluster onboarding guide.
  • kube-monitoring plugin (which brings in Prometheus Operator) OR stand alone: awareness to enable the deployment of Prometheus Operator with this plugin

Step 1:

You can install the alerts package in your cluster with Helm manually or let the Greenhouse platform lifecycle it for you automatically. For the latter, you can either:

  1. Go to Greenhouse dashboard and select the Alerts Plugin from the catalog. Specify the cluster and required option values.
  2. Create and specify a Plugin resource in your Greenhouse central cluster according to the examples.

Step 2:

After the installation, you can access the Supernova UI by navigating to the Alerts tab in the Greenhouse dashboard.

Step 3:

Greenhouse regularly performs integration tests that are bundled with alerts. These provide feedback on whether all the necessary resources are installed and continuously up and running. You will find messages about this in the plugin status and also in the Greenhouse dashboard.


Prometheus Alertmanager options

global.caCertAdditional caCert to add to the CA bundle""
alerts.commonLabelsLabels to apply to all resources{}
alerts.defaultRules.createCreates community Alertmanager alert rules.true
alerts.defaultRules.labelskube-monitoring plugin: <> to evaluate Alertmanager rules.{}
alerts.alertmanager.enabledDeploy Prometheus Alertmanagertrue
alerts.alertmanager.annotationsAnnotations for Alertmanager{}
alerts.alertmanager.configAlertmanager configuration directives.{}
alerts.alertmanager.ingress.enabledDeploy Alertmanager Ingressfalse
alerts.alertmanager.ingress.hostsMust be provided if Ingress is enabled.[]
alerts.alertmanager.ingress.tlsMust be a valid TLS configuration for Alertmanager Ingress. Supernova UI passes the client certificate to retrieve alerts.{}
alerts.alertmanager.ingress.ingressClassnameSpecifies the ingress-controllernginx
alerts.alertmanager.servicemonitor.additionalLabelskube-monitoring plugin: <> to scrape Alertmanager metrics.{}
alerts.alertmanager.alertmanagerConfig.slack.routes[].nameName of the Slack route.""
alerts.alertmanager.alertmanagerConfig.slack.routes[].channelSlack channel to post alerts to. Must be defined with slack.webhookURL.""
alerts.alertmanager.alertmanagerConfig.slack.routes[].webhookURLSlack webhookURL to post alerts to. Must be defined with""
alerts.alertmanager.alertmanagerConfig.slack.routes[].matchersList of matchers that the alert’s label should match. matchType , name , regex , value[]
alerts.alertmanager.alertmanagerConfig.webhook.routes[].nameName of the webhook route.""
alerts.alertmanager.alertmanagerConfig.webhook.routes[].urlWebhook url to post alerts to.""
alerts.alertmanager.alertmanagerConfig.webhook.routes[].matchersList of matchers that the alert’s label should match. matchType , name , regex , value[]
alerts.alertmanager.alertmanagerSpec.alertmanagerConfigurationAlermanagerConfig to be used as top level configurationfalse
alerts.alertmanager.alertmanagerConfig.webhook.routes[].matchersList of matchers that the alert’s label should match. matchType , name , regex , value[]

cert-manager options

alerts.certManager.enabledCreates jetstack/cert-manager resources to generate Issuer and Certificates for Prometheus authentication.true
alerts.certManager.rootCert.durationDuration, how long the root certificate is valid."5y"
alerts.certManager.admissionCert.durationDuration, how long the admission certificate is valid."1y"
alerts.certManager.issuerRef.nameName of the existing Issuer to use.""

Supernova options

theme: Override the default theme. Possible values are "theme-light" or "theme-dark" (default)

endpoint: Alertmanager API Endpoint URL /api/v2. Should be one of alerts.alertmanager.ingress.hosts

silenceExcludedLabels: SilenceExcludedLabels are labels that are initially excluded by default when creating a silence. However, they can be added if necessary when utilizing the advanced options in the silence form.The labels must be an array of strings. Example: ["pod", "pod_name", "instance"]

filterLabels: FilterLabels are the labels shown in the filter dropdown, enabling users to filter alerts based on specific criteria. The ‘Status’ label serves as a default filter, automatically computed from the alert status attribute and will be not overwritten. The labels must be an array of strings. Example: ["app", "cluster", "cluster_type"]

predefinedFilters: PredefinedFilters are filters applied through in the UI to differentiate between contexts through matching alerts with regular expressions. They are loaded by default when the application is loaded. The format is a list of objects including name, displayname and matchers (containing keys corresponding value). Example:

    "name": "prod",
    "displayName": "Productive System",
    "matchers": {
      "region": "^prod-.*"

silenceTemplates: SilenceTemplates are used in the Modal (schedule silence) to allow pre-defined silences to be used to scheduled maintenance windows. The format consists of a list of objects including description, editable_labels (array of strings specifying the labels that users can modify), fixed_labels (map containing fixed labels and their corresponding values), status, and title. Example:

"silenceTemplates": [
      "description": "Description of the silence template",
      "editable_labels": ["region"],
      "fixed_labels": {
        "name": "Marvin",
      "status": "active",
      "title": "Silence"

Managing Alertmanager configuration


By default, the Alertmanager instances will start with a minimal configuration which isn’t really useful since it doesn’t send any notification when receiving alerts.

You have multiple options to provide the Alertmanager configuration:

  1. You can use alerts.alertmanager.config to define a Alertmanager configuration. Example below.
    resolve_timeout: 5m
    - source_matchers:
        - "severity = critical"
        - "severity =~ warning|info"
        - "namespace"
        - "alertname"
    - source_matchers:
        - "severity = warning"
        - "severity = info"
        - "namespace"
        - "alertname"
    - source_matchers:
        - "alertname = InfoInhibitor"
        - "severity = info"
        - "namespace"
    group_by: ["namespace"]
    group_wait: 30s
    group_interval: 5m
    repeat_interval: 12h
    receiver: "null"
      - receiver: "null"
          - alertname =~ "InfoInhibitor|Watchdog"
    - name: "null"
    - "/etc/alertmanager/config/*.tmpl"
  1. You can discover AlertmanagerConfig objects. The spec.alertmanagerConfigSelector is always set to matchLabels: plugin: <name> to tell the operator which AlertmanagerConfigs objects should be selected and merged with the main Alertmanager configuration. Note: The default strategy for a AlertmanagerConfig object to match alerts is OnNamespace.
kind: AlertmanagerConfig
  name: config-example
    alertmanagerConfig: example
    pluginDefinition: alerts-example
    groupBy: ["job"]
    groupWait: 30s
    groupInterval: 5m
    repeatInterval: 12h
    receiver: "webhook"
    - name: "webhook"
        - url: ""
  1. You can use alerts.alertmanager.alertmanagerSpec.alertmanagerConfiguration to reference an AlertmanagerConfig object in the same namespace which defines the main Alertmanager configuration.
# Example with select a global alertmanagerconfig
  name: global-alertmanager-configuration

TLS Certificate Requirement

Greenhouse onboarded Prometheus installations need to communicate with the Alertmanager component to enable processing of alerts. If an Alertmanager Ingress is enabled, this requires a TLS certificate to be configured and trusted by Alertmanger to ensure the communication. To enable automatic self-signed TLS certificate provisioning via cert-manager, set the alerts.certManager.enabled value to true.

Note: Prerequisite of this feature is a installed jetstack/cert-manager which can be implemented via the Greenhouse cert-manager Plugin.


Deploy alerts with Alertmanager

kind: Plugin
  name: alerts
  pluginDefinition: alerts
  disabled: false
  displayName: Alerts
    - name: alerts.alertmanager.enabled
      value: true
    - name: alerts.alertmanager.ingress.enabled
      value: true
    - name: alerts.alertmanager.ingress.hosts
    - name: alerts.alertmanager.ingress.tls
        - hosts:
          secretName: tls-alertmanager-dns-example-com
    - name: alerts.alertmanagerConfig.slack.routes
        - channel: slack-warning-channel
            - name: severity
              matchType: "="
              value: "warning"
        - channel: slack-critical-channel
            - name: severity
              matchType: "="
              value: "critical"
    - name: alerts.alertmanagerConfig.webhook.routes
        - name: webhook-route
          url: https://some-webhook-url
            - name: alertname
              matchType: "=~"
              value: ".*"
    - name: alerts.alertmanager.serviceMonitor.additionalLabels
        plugin: kube-monitoring
    - name: alerts.defaultRules.create
      value: true
    - name: alerts.defaultRules.labels
        plugin: kube-monitoring
    - name: endpoint
    - name: filterLabels
        - job
        - severity
        - status
    - name: silenceExcludedLabels
        - pod
        - pod_name
        - instance

Deploy alerts without Alertmanager (Bring your own Alertmanager - Supernova UI only)

kind: Plugin
  name: alerts
  pluginDefinition: alerts
  disabled: false
  displayName: Alerts
    - name: alerts.alertmanager.enabled
      value: false
    - name: alerts.alertmanager.ingress.enabled
      value: false
    - name: alerts.defaultRules.create
      value: false
    - name: endpoint
    - name: filterLabels
        - job
        - severity
        - status
    - name: silenceExcludedLabels
        - pod
        - pod_name
        - instance

2 - Cert-manager

This Plugin provides the cert-manager to automate the management of TLS certificates.


This section highlights configuration of selected Plugin features.
All available configuration options are described in the plugin.yaml.

Ingress shim

An Ingress resource in Kubernetes configures external access to services in a Kubernetes cluster.
Securing ingress resources with TLS certificates is a common use-case and the cert-manager can be configured to handle these via the ingress-shim component.
It can be enabled by deploying an issuer in your organization and setting the following options on this plugin.

cert-manager.ingressShim.defaultIssuerNamestringName of the cert-manager issuer to use for TLS certificates
cert-manager.ingressShim.defaultIssuerKindstringKind of the cert-manager issuer to use for TLS certificates
cert-manager.ingressShim.defaultIssuerGroupstringGroup of the cert-manager issuer to use for TLS certificates

3 - Decentralized Observer of Policies (Violations)

This directory contains the Greenhouse plugin for the Decentralized Observer of Policies (DOOP).


To perform automatic validations on Kubernetes objects, we run a deployment of OPA Gatekeeper in each cluster. This dashboard aggregates all policy violations reported by those Gatekeeper instances.

4 - Designate Ingress CNAME operator (DISCO)

This Plugin provides the Designate Ingress CNAME operator (DISCO) to automate management of DNS entries in OpenStack Designate for Ingress and Services in Kubernetes.

5 - DigiCert issuer

This Plugin provides the digicert-issuer, an external Issuer extending the cert-manager with the DigiCert cert-central API.

6 - External DNS

This Plugin provides the external DNS operator) which synchronizes exposed Kubernetes Services and Ingresses with DNS providers.

7 - Github Guard

Github Guard Greenhouse Plugin manages Github teams, team memberships and repository & team assignments.

Hierarchy of Custom Resources

Custom Resources

Github – an installation of Github App

kind: Github
  name: com
  integrationID: 420328
  clientUserAgent: greenhouse-github-guard
  secret: github-com-secret

GithubOrganization with Feature & Action Flags

kind: GithubOrganization
  name: com--greenhouse-sandbox
  labels: "true" "true" "true" "true" "true" "true" "false"

Default team & repository assignments:

GithubTeamRepository for exception team & repository assignments

GithubUsername for external username matching

kind: GithubUsername
    last-check-timestamp: 1681614602 
   name: com-I313226 
  userID: greenhouse_onuryilmaz
  githubUsername: onuryilmaz
  github: com

8 - Ingress NGINX

This plugin contains the ingress NGINX controller.


To instantiate the plugin create a Plugin like:

kind: Plugin
  name: ingress-nginx
  pluginDefinition: ingress-nginx-v4.4.0
    - name: controller.service.loadBalancerIP

9 - Kubernetes Monitoring

Learn more about the kube-monitoring plugin. Use it to activate Kubernetes monitoring for your Greenhouse cluster.

The main terminologies used in this document can be found in core-concepts.


Observability is often required for operation and automation of service offerings. To get the insights provided by an application and the container runtime environment, you need telemetry data in the form of metrics or logs sent to backends such as Prometheus or OpenSearch. With the kube-monitoring Plugin, you will be able to cover the metrics part of the observability stack.

This Plugin includes a pre-configured package of components that help make getting started easy and efficient. At its core, an automated and managed Prometheus installation is provided using the prometheus-operator. This is complemented by Prometheus target configuration for the most common Kubernetes components providing metrics by default. In addition, Cloud operators curated Prometheus alerting rules and Plutono dashboards are included to provide a comprehensive monitoring solution out of the box.


Components included in this Plugin:


It is not meant to be a comprehensive package that covers all scenarios. If you are an expert, feel free to configure the plugin according to your needs.

The Plugin is a deeply configured kube-prometheus-stack Helm chart which helps to keep track of versions and community updates.

It is intended as a platform that can be extended by following the guide.

Contribution is highly appreciated. If you discover bugs or want to add functionality to the plugin, then pull requests are always welcome.

Quick start

This guide provides a quick and straightforward way to use kube-monitoring as a Greenhouse Plugin on your Kubernetes cluster.


  • A running and Greenhouse-onboarded Kubernetes cluster. If you don’t have one, follow the Cluster onboarding guide.

Step 1:

You can install the kube-monitoring package in your cluster by installing it with Helm manually or let the Greenhouse platform lifecycle it for you automatically. For the latter, you can either:

  1. Go to Greenhouse dashboard and select the Kubernetes Monitoring plugin from the catalog. Specify the cluster and required option values.
  2. Create and specify a Plugin resource in your Greenhouse central cluster according to the examples.

Step 2:

After installation, Greenhouse will provide a generated link to the Prometheus user interface. This is done via the annotation “true” at the Prometheus Service resource.

Step 3:

Greenhouse regularly performs integration tests that are bundled with kube-monitoring. These provide feedback on whether all the necessary resources are installed and continuously up and running. You will find messages about this in the plugin status and also in the Greenhouse dashboard.


Global options

global.commonLabelsLabels to add to all resources. This can be used to add a support_group or service label to all resources and alerting rules.true

Prometheus-operator options

kubeMonitoring.prometheusOperator.enabledManages Prometheus and Alertmanager componentstrue
kubeMonitoring.prometheusOperator.alertmanagerInstanceNamespacesFilter namespaces to look for prometheus-operator Alertmanager resources[]
kubeMonitoring.prometheusOperator.alertmanagerConfigNamespacesFilter namespaces to look for prometheus-operator AlertmanagerConfig resources[]
kubeMonitoring.prometheusOperator.prometheusInstanceNamespacesFilter namespaces to look for prometheus-operator Prometheus resources[]

Kubernetes component scraper options

kubeMonitoring.kubernetesServiceMonitors.enabledFlag to disable all the kubernetes component scraperstrue
kubeMonitoring.kubeApiServer.enabledComponent scraping the kube api servertrue
kubeMonitoring.kubelet.enabledComponent scraping the kubelet and kubelet-hosted cAdvisortrue
kubeMonitoring.coreDns.enabledComponent scraping coreDns. Use either this or kubeDnstrue
kubeMonitoring.kubeEtcd.enabledComponent scraping etcdtrue
kubeMonitoring.kubeStateMetrics.enabledComponent scraping kube state metricstrue
kubeMonitoring.nodeExporter.enabledDeploy node exporter as a daemonset to all nodestrue
kubeMonitoring.kubeControllerManager.enabledComponent scraping the kube controller managerfalse
kubeMonitoring.kubeScheduler.enabledComponent scraping kube schedulerfalse
kubeMonitoring.kubeProxy.enabledComponent scraping kube proxyfalse
kubeMonitoring.kubeDns.enabledComponent scraping kubeDns. Use either this or coreDnsfalse

Prometheus options

kubeMonitoring.prometheus.enabledDeploy a Prometheus instancetrue
kubeMonitoring.prometheus.annotationsAnnotations for Prometheus{}
kubeMonitoring.prometheus.tlsConfig.caCertCA certificate to verify technical clients at Prometheus IngressSecret
kubeMonitoring.prometheus.ingress.enabledDeploy Prometheus Ingresstrue
kubeMonitoring.prometheus.ingress.hostsMust be provided if Ingress is enabled.[]
kubeMonitoring.prometheus.ingress.ingressClassnameSpecifies the ingress-controllernginx
kubeMonitoring.prometheus.prometheusSpec.storageSpec.volumeClaimTemplate.spec.resources.requests.storageHow large the persistent volume should be to house the prometheus database. Default 50Gi.""
kubeMonitoring.prometheus.prometheusSpec.storageSpec.volumeClaimTemplate.spec.storageClassNameThe storage class to use for the persistent volume.""
kubeMonitoring.prometheus.prometheusSpec.scrapeIntervalInterval between consecutive scrapes. Defaults to 30s""
kubeMonitoring.prometheus.prometheusSpec.scrapeTimeoutNumber of seconds to wait for target to respond before erroring""
kubeMonitoring.prometheus.prometheusSpec.evaluationIntervalInterval between consecutive evaluations""
kubeMonitoring.prometheus.prometheusSpec.externalLabelsExternal labels to add to any time series or alerts when communicating with external systems like Alertmanager{}
kubeMonitoring.prometheus.prometheusSpec.ruleSelectorPrometheusRules to be selected for target discovery. Defaults to { matchLabels: { plugin: <> } }{}
kubeMonitoring.prometheus.prometheusSpec.serviceMonitorSelectorServiceMonitors to be selected for target discovery. Defaults to { matchLabels: { plugin: <> } }{}
kubeMonitoring.prometheus.prometheusSpec.podMonitorSelectorPodMonitors to be selected for target discovery. Defaults to { matchLabels: { plugin: <> } }{}
kubeMonitoring.prometheus.prometheusSpec.probeSelectorProbes to be selected for target discovery. Defaults to { matchLabels: { plugin: <> } }{}
kubeMonitoring.prometheus.prometheusSpec.scrapeConfigSelectorscrapeConfigs to be selected for target discovery. Defaults to { matchLabels: { plugin: <> } }{}
kubeMonitoring.prometheus.prometheusSpec.retentionHow long to retain metrics""
kubeMonitoring.prometheus.prometheusSpec.logLevelLog level to be configured for Prometheus""
kubeMonitoring.prometheus.prometheusSpec.additionalScrapeConfigsNext to ScrapeConfig CRD, you can use AdditionalScrapeConfigs, which allows specifying additional Prometheus scrape configurations""
kubeMonitoring.prometheus.prometheusSpec.additionalArgsAllows setting additional arguments for the Prometheus container[]

Alertmanager options

alerts.enabledTo send alerts to Alertmanagerfalse
alerts.alertmanager.hostsList of Alertmanager hosts Prometheus can send alerts to[]
alerts.alertmanager.tlsConfig.certTLS certificate for communication with AlertmanagerSecret
alerts.alertmanager.tlsConfig.keyTLS key for communication with AlertmanagerSecret

Service Discovery

The kube-monitoring Plugin provides a PodMonitor to automatically discover the Prometheus metrics of the Kubernetes Pods in any Namespace. The PodMonitor is configured to detect the metrics endpoint of the Pods if the following annotations are set:

    greenhouse/scrape: “true”
    greenhouse/target: <kube-monitoring plugin name>

Note: The annotations needs to be added manually to have the pod scraped and the port name needs to match.


Deploy kube-monitoring into a remote cluster

kind: Plugin
  name: kube-monitoring
  pluginDefinition: kube-monitoring
  disabled: false
    - name: kubeMonitoring.prometheus.prometheusSpec.retention
      value: 30d
    - name:
      value: 100Gi
    - name: kubeMonitoring.prometheus.service.labels
      value: "true"
    - name: kubeMonitoring.prometheus.prometheusSpec.externalLabels
        cluster: example-cluster
        organization: example-org
        region: example-region
    - name: alerts.enabled
      value: true
    - name: alerts.alertmanagers.hosts
    - name: alerts.alertmanagers.tlsConfig.cert
          key: tls.crt
          name: tls-<org-name>-prometheus-auth
    - name: alerts.alertmanagers.tlsConfig.key
          key: tls.key
          name: tls-<org-name>-prometheus-auth

Deploy Prometheus only

Example Plugin to deploy Prometheus with the kube-monitoring Plugin.

NOTE: If you are using kube-monitoring for the first time in your cluster, it is necessary to set kubeMonitoring.prometheusOperator.enabled to true.

kind: Plugin
  name: example-prometheus-name
  pluginDefinition: kube-monitoring
  disabled: false
    - name: kubeMonitoring.defaultRules.create
      value: false
    - name: kubeMonitoring.kubernetesServiceMonitors.enabled
      value: false
    - name: kubeMonitoring.prometheusOperator.enabled
      value: false
    - name: kubeMonitoring.kubeStateMetrics.enabled
      value: false
    - name: kubeMonitoring.nodeExporter.enabled
      value: false
    - name: kubeMonitoring.prometheus.prometheusSpec.retention
      value: 30d
    - name:
      value: 100Gi
    - name: kubeMonitoring.prometheus.service.labels
      value: "true"
    - name: kubeMonitoring.prometheus.prometheusSpec.externalLabels
        cluster: example-cluster
        organization: example-org
        region: example-region
    - name: alerts.enabled
      value: true
    - name: alerts.alertmanagers.hosts
    - name: alerts.alertmanagers.tlsConfig.cert
          key: tls.crt
          name: tls-<org-name>-prometheus-auth
    - name: alerts.alertmanagers.tlsConfig.key
          key: tls.key
          name: tls-<org-name>-prometheus-auth

Extension of the plugin

kube-monitoring can be extended with your own Prometheus alerting rules and target configurations via the Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) of the Prometheus operator. The user-defined resources to be incorporated with the desired configuration are defined via label selections.

The CRD PrometheusRule enables the definition of alerting and recording rules that can be used by Prometheus or Thanos Rule instances. Alerts and recording rules are reconciled and dynamically loaded by the operator without having to restart Prometheus or Thanos Rule.

kube-monitoring Prometheus will automatically discover and load the rules that match labels plugin: <plugin-name>.


kind: PrometheusRule
  name: example-prometheus-rule
    plugin: <> 
    ## e.g plugin: kube-monitoring
   - name: example-group

The CRDs PodMonitor, ServiceMonitor, Probe and ScrapeConfig allow the definition of a set of target endpoints to be scraped by Prometheus. The operator will automatically discover and load the configurations that match labels plugin: <plugin-name>.


kind: PodMonitor
  name: example-pod-monitor
    plugin: <> 
    ## e.g plugin: kube-monitoring
      app: example-app
      - example-namespace
    - port: http

10 - Logshipper

This Plugin is intended for shipping container and systemd logs to an Elasticsearch/ OpenSearch cluster. It uses fluentbit to collect logs. The default configuration can be found under chart/templates/fluent-bit-configmap.yaml.

Components included in this Plugin:


  1. @ivogoman


fluent-bit.parserParser used for container logs. [docker|cri] labels“cri”
fluent-bit.backend.opensearch.hostHost for the Elastic/OpenSearch HTTP Input
fluent-bit.backend.opensearch.portPort for the Elastic/OpenSearch HTTP Input
fluent-bit.backend.opensearch.http_userUsername for the Elastic/OpenSearch HTTP Input
fluent-bit.backend.opensearch.http_passwordPassword for the Elastic/OpenSearch HTTP Input
fluent-bit.backend.opensearch.hostHost for the Elastic/OpenSearch HTTP Input
fluent-bit.filter.additionalValueslist of Key-Value pairs to label logs labels[]
fluent-bit.customConfig.inputsmulti-line string containing additional inputs
fluent-bit.customConfig.filtersmulti-line string containing additional filters
fluent-bit.customConfig.outputsmulti-line string containing additional outputs

Custom Configuration

To add custom configuration to the fluent-bit configuration please check the fluentbit documentation here. The fluent-bit.customConfig.inputs, fluent-bit.customConfig.filters and fluent-bit.customConfig.outputs parameters can be used to add custom configuration to the default configuration. The configuration should be added as a multi-line string. Inputs are rendered after the default inputs, filters are rendered after the default filters and before the additional values are added. Outputs are rendered after the default outputs. The additional values are added to all logs disregaring the source.

Example Input configuration:

    inputs: |
          Name             tail-audit
          Path             /var/log/containers/greenhouse-controller*.log
          Parser           {{ default "cri" ( index .Values "fluent-bit" "parser" ) }}
          Tag              audit.*
          Refresh_Interval 5
          Mem_Buf_Limit    50MB
          Skip_Long_Lines  Off
          Ignore_Older     1m
          DB               /var/log/fluent-bit-tail-audit.pos.db      

Logs collected by the default configuration are prefixed with default_. In case that logs from additional inputs are to be send and processed by the same filters and outputs, the prefix should be used as well.

In case additional secrets are required the fluent-bit.env field can be used to add them to the environment of the fluent-bit container. The secrets should be created by adding them to the fluent-bit.backend field.

      http_user: top-secret-audit
      http_password: top-secret-audit
      host: "audit.test"
        enabled: true
        verify: true
        debug: false

11 - OpenTelemetry

Learn more about the OpenTelemetry Plugin. Use it to enable the ingestion, collection and export of telemetry signals (logs and metrics) for your Greenhouse cluster.

The main terminologies used in this document can be found in core-concepts.


OpenTelemetry is an observability framework and toolkit for creating and managing telemetry data such as metrics, logs and traces. Unlike other observability tools, OpenTelemetry is vendor and tool agnostic, meaning it can be used with a variety of observability backends, including open source tools such as OpenSearch and Prometheus.

The focus of the Plugin is to provide easy-to-use configurations for common use cases of receiving, processing and exporting telemetry data in Kubernetes. The storage and visualization of the same is intentionally left to other tools.

Components included in this Plugin:


OpenTelemetry Architecture


It is the intention to add more configuration over time and contributions of your very own configuration is highly appreciated. If you discover bugs or want to add functionality to the plugin, feel free to create a pull request.

Quick Start

This guide provides a quick and straightforward way to use OpenTelemetry as a Greenhouse Plugin on your Kubernetes cluster.


  • A running and Greenhouse-onboarded Kubernetes cluster. If you don’t have one, follow the Cluster onboarding guide.
  • For logs, a OpenSearch instance to store. If you don’t have one, reach out to your observability team to get access to one.
  • We recommend a running cert-manager in the cluster before installing the OpenTelemetry Plugin
  • To gather metrics, you must have a Prometheus instance in the onboarded cluster for storage and for managing Prometheus specific CRDs. If you don not have an instance, install the kube-monitoring Plugin first.

Step 1:

You can install the OpenTelemetry package in your cluster by installing it with Helm manually or let the Greenhouse platform lifecycle do it for you automatically. For the latter, you can either:

  1. Go to Greenhouse dashboard and select the OpenTelemetry Plugin from the catalog. Specify the cluster and required option values.
  2. Create and specify a Plugin resource in your Greenhouse central cluster according to the examples.

Step 2:

The package will deploy the OpenTelemetry Operator which works as a manager for the collectors and auto-instrumentation of the workload. By default, the package will include a configuration for collecting metrics and logs. The log-collector is currently processing data from the preconfigured receivers:

  • Files via the Filelog Receiver
  • Kubernetes Events from the Kubernetes API server
  • Journald events from systemd journal
  • its own metrics

You can disable the collection of logs by setting openTelemetry.logCollector.enabled to false. The same is true for disabling the collection of metrics by setting openTelemetry.metricsCollector.enabled to false. The logsCollector comes with a standard set of log-processing, such as adding cluster information and common labels for Journald events. In addition we provide default pipelines for common log types. Currently the following log types have default configurations that can be enabled (requires logsCollector.enabled to true):

  1. KVM: openTelemetry.logsCollector.kvmConfig: Logs from Kernel-based Virtual Machines (KVMs) providing insights into virtualization activities, resource usage, and system performance
  2. Ceph:openTelemetry.logsCollector.cephConfig: Logs from Ceph storage systems, capturing information about cluster operations, performance metrics, and health status

These default configurations provide common labels and Grok parsing for logs emitted through the respective services.

Based on the backend selection the telemetry data will be exporter to the backend.

Step 3:

Greenhouse regularly performs integration tests that are bundled with OpenTelemetry. These provide feedback on whether all the necessary resources are installed and continuously up and running. You will find messages about this in the plugin status and also in the Greenhouse dashboard.

Failover Connector

The OpenTelemetry Plugin comes with a Failover Connector for OpenSearch for two users. The connector will periodically try to establish a stable connection for the prefered user (failover_username_a) and in case of a failed try, the connector will try to establish a connection with the fallback user (failover_username_b). This feature can be used to secure the shipping of logs in case of expiring credentials or password rotation.


openTelemetry.logsCollector.enabledActivates the standard configuration for logsboolfalse
openTelemetry.logsCollector.kvmConfig.enabledActivates the configuration for KVM logs (requires logsCollector to be enabled)boolfalse
openTelemetry.logsCollector.cephConfig.enabledActivates the configuration for Ceph logs (requires logsCollector to be enabled)boolfalse
openTelemetry.metricsCollector.enabledActivates the standard configuration for metricsboolfalse
openTelemetry.openSearchLogs.failover_username_aUsername for OpenSearch endpointsecrettrue
openTelemetry.openSearchLogs.failover_password_aPassword for OpenSearch endpointsecrettrue
openTelemetry.openSearchLogs.failover_username_bSecond Username (as a failover) for OpenSearch endpointsecrettrue
openTelemetry.openSearchLogs.failover_password_bSecond Password (as a failover) for OpenSearch endpointsecrettrue
openTelemetry.openSearchLogs.endpointEndpoint URL for OpenSearchstringtrue
openTelemetry.openSearchLogs.indexName for OpenSearch indexstringfalse
openTelemetry.regionRegion label for loggingstringfalse
openTelemetry.clusterCluster label for loggingstringfalse
openTelemetry.prometheus.additionalLabelsLabel selector for Prometheus resources to be picked-up by the operatormapfalse
openTelemetry.prometheus.rules.additionalRuleLabelsAdditional labels for PrometheusRule alertsmapfalse
openTelemetry.prometheus.serviceMonitor.enabledActivates the service-monitoring for the Logs Collectorboolfalse
openTelemetry.prometheus.podMonitor.enabledActivates the pod-monitoring for the Logs Collectorboolfalse
openTelemetry.prometheus.rules.createEnables PrometheusRule resources to be createdboolfalse
openTelemetry.prometheus.rules.disabledList of PrometheusRules to disablemapfalse
openTelemetry.prometheus.rules.labelsLabels for PrometheusRulesmapfalse
openTelemetry.prometheus.rules.annotationsAnnotations for PrometheusRulesmapfalse
openTelemetry.prometheus.rules.additionalRuleLabelsAdditional labels for PrometheusRule alerts,mapfalse
opentelemetry-operator.admissionWebhooks.certManager.enabledActivate to use the CertManager for generating self-signed certificatesboolfalse
opentelemetry-operator.admissionWebhooks.autoGenerateCert.enabledActivate to use Helm to create self-signed certificatesboolfalse
opentelemetry-operator.admissionWebhooks.autoGenerateCert.recreateActivate to recreate the cert after a defined period (certPeriodDays default is 365)boolfalse
opentelemetry-operator.kubeRBACProxy.enabledActivate to enable Kube-RBAC-Proxy for OpenTelemetryboolfalse
opentelemetry-operator.manager.prometheusRule.defaultRules.enabledActivate to enable default rules for monitoring the OpenTelemetry Managerboolfalse
opentelemetry-operator.manager.prometheusRule.enabledActivate to enable rules for monitoring the OpenTelemetry Managerboolfalse



12 - Perses

[!WARNING] This plugin is in beta and please report any bugs by creating an issue here.

Table of Contents

Learn more about the Perses Plugin. Use it to visualize Prometheus/Thanos metrics for your Greenhouse remote cluster.

The main terminologies used in this document can be found in core-concepts.


Observability is often required for the operation and automation of service offerings. Perses is a CNCF project and it aims to become an open-standard for dashboards and visualization. It provides you with tools to display Prometheus metrics on live dashboards with insightful charts and visualizations. In the Greenhouse context, this complements the kube-monitoring plugin, which automatically acts as a Perses data source which is recognized by Perses. In addition, the Plugin provides a mechanism that automates the lifecycle of datasources and dashboards without having to restart Perses.

Perses Architecture


This is not meant to be a comprehensive package that covers all scenarios. If you are an expert, feel free to configure the Plugin according to your needs.

Contribution is highly appreciated. If you discover bugs or want to add functionality to the plugin, then pull requests are always welcome.

Quick Start

This guide provides a quick and straightforward way how to use Perses as a Greenhouse Plugin on your Kubernetes cluster.


  • A running and Greenhouse-managed Kubernetes remote cluster
  • kube-monitoring Plugin should be installed with .spec.kubeMonitoring.prometheus.persesDatasource: true and it should have at least one Prometheus instance running in the cluster

The plugin works by default with anonymous access enabled. This plugin comes with some default dashboards and the kube-monitoring datasource will be automatically discovered by the plugin.

Step 1: Add your dashboards and datasources

Dashboards are selected from ConfigMaps across namespaces. The plugin searches for ConfigMaps with the label "true" and imports them into Perses. The ConfigMap must contain a key like my-dashboard.json with the dashboard JSON content. Please refer this section for more information.

A guide on how to create custom dashboards on the UI can be found here.


perses.additionalLabelsAdditional labels to add to all resources{}
perses.annotationsStatefulset annotations{}
perses.config.annotationsAnnotations for config{}
perses.config.database.file.extensionDatabase file extensionjson
perses.config.database.file.folderDatabase file folder path/perses
perses.config.database.sqlSQL database configuration{}
perses.config.important_dashboardsList of important dashboards[]
perses.config.provisioning.folders.0Provisioning folder path/etc/perses/provisioning
perses.config.provisioning.intervalProvisioning check interval10s
perses.config.schemas.datasources_pathDatasource schemas path/etc/perses/cue/schemas/datasources
perses.config.schemas.intervalSchema check interval5m
perses.config.schemas.panels_pathPanel schemas path/etc/perses/cue/schemas/panels
perses.config.schemas.queries_pathQuery schemas path/etc/perses/cue/schemas/queries
perses.config.schemas.variables_pathVariable schemas path/etc/perses/cue/schemas/variables SameSite attributelax secure cookiesfalse authenticationfalse Perses instance as readonly modefalse
perses.datasourcesConfigure datasources (DEPRECATED). Please use the ‘sidecar’ configuration to provision datasources[]
perses.fullnameOverrideOverride fully qualified app name""
perses.image.nameContainer image namepersesdev/perses
perses.image.pullPolicyImage pull policyIfNotPresent
perses.image.versionOverride default image tag""
perses.ingress.annotationsAdditional annotations for the Ingress resource. To enable certificate autogeneration, place here your cert-manager annotations.{}
perses.ingress.enabledConfigure the ingress resource that allows you to access Thanos Query Frontendfalse
perses.ingress.hostsIngress hostnames["perses.local"]
perses.ingress.ingressClassNameIngressClass that will be be used to implement the Ingress (Kubernetes 1.18+)""
perses.ingress.pathIngress path/
perses.ingress.pathTypeIngress path typePrefix
perses.ingress.tlsIngress TLS configuration[]
perses.livenessProbe.enabledEnable liveness probetrue
perses.livenessProbe.failureThresholdLiveness probe failure threshold5
perses.livenessProbe.initialDelaySecondsLiveness probe initial delay10
perses.livenessProbe.periodSecondsLiveness probe period60
perses.livenessProbe.successThresholdLiveness probe success threshold1
perses.livenessProbe.timeoutSecondsLiveness probe timeout5
perses.logLevelLogging level - available options “panic”, “error”, “warning”, “info”, “debug”, “trace” levelinfo
perses.nameOverrideOverride chart name""
perses.persistence.accessModesPVC access modes for data volume["ReadWriteOnce"]
perses.persistence.annotationsPVC annotations{}
perses.persistence.enabledEnable persistence. If disabled, it will use a emptydir volumefalse
perses.persistence.labelsPVC labels{}
perses.persistence.securityContext.fsGroupSecurity context for the PVC when persistence is enabled2000
perses.persistence.sizePVC storage size8Gi
perses.readinessProbe.enabledEnable readiness probetrue
perses.readinessProbe.failureThresholdReadiness probe failure threshold5
perses.readinessProbe.initialDelaySecondsReadiness probe initial delay5
perses.readinessProbe.periodSecondsReadiness probe period10
perses.readinessProbe.successThresholdReadiness probe success threshold1
perses.readinessProbe.timeoutSecondsReadiness probe timeout5
perses.replicasNumber of replicas1
perses.resourcesResource limits and requests{}
perses.service.annotationsService annotations{}
perses.service.labelsService labels{}
perses.service.portService port8080
perses.service.portNameService port namehttp
perses.service.targetPortContainer target port8080
perses.service.typeService typeClusterIP
perses.serviceAccount.annotationsService account annotations{}
perses.serviceAccount.createCreate service accounttrue
perses.serviceAccount.nameService account name""
perses.sidecar.enabledEnable sidecar to auto discover the configmaps holding perses dashboards and datasourcesfalse
perses.sidecar.image.repositoryContainer image repository for the sidecarkiwigrid/k8s-sidecar
perses.sidecar.image.tagContainer image tag for the sidecar1.28.0
perses.sidecar.labelLabel key to watch for ConfigMaps containing Perses
perses.sidecar.labelValueLabel value to watch for ConfigMaps containing Perses resources"true"
perses.volumeMountsAdditional volume mounts[]
perses.volumesAdditional volumes[]

Create a custom dashboard

  1. Add a new Project by clicking on ADD PROJECT in the top right corner. Give it a name and click Add.
  2. Add a new dashboard by clicking on ADD DASHBOARD. Give it a name and click Add.
  3. Now you can add variables, panels to your dashboard.
  4. You can group your panels by adding the panels to a Panel Group.
  5. Move and resize the panels as needed.
  6. Watch this gif to learn more.
  7. You do not need to add the kube-monitoring datasource manually. It will be automatically discovered by Perses.
  8. Click Save after you have made changes.
  9. Export the dashboard.
    • Click on the {} icon in the top right corner of the dashboard.
    • Copy the entire JSON model.
    • See the next section for detailed instructions on how and where to paste the copied dashboard JSON model.

Add Dashboards as ConfigMaps

By default, a sidecar container is deployed in the Perses pod. This container watches all configmaps in the cluster and filters out the ones with a label "true". The files defined in those configmaps are written to a folder and this folder is accessed by Perses. Changes to the configmaps are continuously monitored and are reflected in Perses within 10 seconds.

A recommendation is to use one configmap per dashboard. This way, you can easily manage the dashboards in your git repository.

Folder structure:

├── dashboard1.json
├── dashboard2.json
├── prometheusdatasource1.json
├── prometheusdatasource2.json

Helm template to create a configmap for each dashboard:

{{- range $path, $bytes := .Files.Glob "dashboards/*.json" }}
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap

  name: {{ printf "%s-%s" $.Release.Name $path | replace "/" "-" | trunc 63 }}
  labels: "true"

{{ printf "%s: |-" $path | replace "/" "-" | indent 2 }}
{{ printf "%s" $bytes | indent 4 }}

{{- end }}

13 - Plutono

Learn more about the plutono Plugin. Use it to install the web dashboarding system Plutono to collect, correlate, and visualize Prometheus metrics for your Greenhouse cluster.

The main terminologies used in this document can be found in core-concepts.


Observability is often required for the operation and automation of service offerings. Plutono provides you with tools to display Prometheus metrics on live dashboards with insightful charts and visualizations. In the Greenhouse context, this complements the kube-monitoring plugin, which automatically acts as a Plutono data source which is recognized by Plutono. In addition, the Plugin provides a mechanism that automates the lifecycle of datasources and dashboards without having to restart Plutono.

Plutono Architecture


This is not meant to be a comprehensive package that covers all scenarios. If you are an expert, feel free to configure the Plugin according to your needs.

Contribution is highly appreciated. If you discover bugs or want to add functionality to the plugin, then pull requests are always welcome.

Quick Start

This guide provides a quick and straightforward way how to use Plutono as a Greenhouse Plugin on your Kubernetes cluster.


  • A running and Greenhouse-managed Kubernetes cluster
  • kube-monitoring Plugin installed to have at least one Prometheus instance running in the cluster

The plugin works by default with anonymous access enabled. If you use the standard configuration in the kube-monitoring plugin, the data source and some kubernetes-operations dashboards are already pre-installed.

Step 1: Add your dashboards

Dashboards are selected from ConfigMaps across namespaces. The plugin searches for ConfigMaps with the label plutono-dashboard: "true" and imports them into Plutono. The ConfigMap must contain a key like my-dashboard.json with the dashboard JSON content. Example

A guide on how to create dashboards can be found here.

Step 2: Add your datasources

Data sources are selected from Secrets across namespaces. The plugin searches for Secrets with the label plutono-dashboard: "true" and imports them into Plutono. The Secrets should contain valid datasource configuration YAML. Example


plutono.replicasNumber of nodes1
plutono.deploymentStrategyDeployment strategy{ "type": "RollingUpdate" }
plutono.livenessProbeLiveness Probe settings{ "httpGet": { "path": "/api/health", "port": 3000 } "initialDelaySeconds": 60, "timeoutSeconds": 30, "failureThreshold": 10 }
plutono.readinessProbeReadiness Probe settings{ "httpGet": { "path": "/api/health", "port": 3000 } }
plutono.securityContextDeployment securityContext{"runAsUser": 472, "runAsGroup": 472, "fsGroup": 472}
plutono.priorityClassNameName of Priority Class to assign podsnil
plutono.image.repositoryImage repositorycredativ/plutono
plutono.image.tagOverrides the Plutono image tag whose default is the chart appVersion (Must be >= 5.0.0)``
plutono.image.shaImage sha (optional)``
plutono.image.pullPolicyImage pull policyIfNotPresent
plutono.image.pullSecretsImage pull secrets (can be templated)[]
plutono.service.enabledEnable plutono servicetrue
plutono.service.ipFamiliesKubernetes service IP families[]
plutono.service.ipFamilyPolicyKubernetes service IP family policy""
plutono.service.typeKubernetes service typeClusterIP
plutono.service.portKubernetes port where service is exposed80
plutono.service.portNameName of the port on the serviceservice
plutono.service.appProtocolAdds the appProtocol field to the service``
plutono.service.targetPortInternal service is port3000
plutono.service.nodePortKubernetes service nodePortnil
plutono.service.annotationsService annotations (can be templated){}
plutono.service.labelsCustom labels{}
plutono.service.clusterIPinternal cluster service IPnil
plutono.service.loadBalancerIPIP address to assign to load balancer (if supported)nil
plutono.service.loadBalancerSourceRangeslist of IP CIDRs allowed access to lb (if supported)[]
plutono.service.externalIPsservice external IP addresses[]
plutono.service.externalTrafficPolicychange the default externalTrafficPolicynil
plutono.headlessServiceCreate a headless servicefalse
plutono.extraExposePortsAdditional service ports for sidecar containers[]
plutono.hostAliasesadds rules to the pod’s /etc/hosts[]
plutono.ingress.enabledEnables Ingressfalse
plutono.ingress.annotationsIngress annotations (values are templated){}
plutono.ingress.labelsCustom labels{}
plutono.ingress.pathIngress accepted path/
plutono.ingress.pathTypeIngress type of pathPrefix
plutono.ingress.hostsIngress accepted hostnames["chart-example.local"]
plutono.ingress.extraPathsIngress extra paths to prepend to every host configuration. Useful when configuring custom actions with AWS ALB Ingress Controller. Requires ingress.hosts to have one or more host entries.[]
plutono.ingress.tlsIngress TLS configuration[]
plutono.ingress.ingressClassNameIngress Class Name. MAY be required for Kubernetes versions >= 1.18""
plutono.resourcesCPU/Memory resource requests/limits{}
plutono.nodeSelectorNode labels for pod assignment{}
plutono.tolerationsToleration labels for pod assignment[]
plutono.affinityAffinity settings for pod assignment{}
plutono.extraInitContainersInit containers to add to the plutono pod{}
plutono.extraContainersSidecar containers to add to the plutono pod""
plutono.extraContainerVolumesVolumes that can be mounted in sidecar containers[]
plutono.extraLabelsCustom labels for all manifests{}
plutono.schedulerNameName of the k8s scheduler (other than default)nil
plutono.persistence.enabledUse persistent volume to store datafalse
plutono.persistence.typeType of persistence (pvc or statefulset)pvc
plutono.persistence.sizeSize of persistent volume claim10Gi
plutono.persistence.existingClaimUse an existing PVC to persist data (can be templated)nil
plutono.persistence.storageClassNameType of persistent volume claimnil
plutono.persistence.accessModesPersistence access modes[ReadWriteOnce]
plutono.persistence.annotationsPersistentVolumeClaim annotations{}
plutono.persistence.finalizersPersistentVolumeClaim finalizers[ "" ]
plutono.persistence.extraPvcLabelsExtra labels to apply to a PVC.{}
plutono.persistence.subPathMount a sub dir of the persistent volume (can be templated)nil
plutono.persistence.inMemory.enabledIf persistence is not enabled, whether to mount the local storage in-memory to improve performancefalse
plutono.persistence.inMemory.sizeLimitSizeLimit for the in-memory local storagenil
plutono.persistence.disableWarningHide NOTES warning, useful when persiting to a databasefalse
plutono.initChownData.enabledIf false, don’t reset data ownership at startuptrue
plutono.initChownData.image.registryinit-chown-data container image
plutono.initChownData.image.repositoryinit-chown-data container image repositorybusybox
plutono.initChownData.image.taginit-chown-data container image tag1.31.1
plutono.initChownData.image.shainit-chown-data container image sha (optional)""
plutono.initChownData.image.pullPolicyinit-chown-data container image pull policyIfNotPresent
plutono.initChownData.resourcesinit-chown-data pod resource requests & limits{}
plutono.schedulerNameAlternate scheduler namenil
plutono.envExtra environment variables passed to pods{}
plutono.envValueFromEnvironment variables from alternate sources. See the API docs on EnvVarSource for format details. Can be templated{}
plutono.envFromSecretName of a Kubernetes secret (must be manually created in the same namespace) containing values to be added to the environment. Can be templated""
plutono.envFromSecretsList of Kubernetes secrets (must be manually created in the same namespace) containing values to be added to the environment. Can be templated[]
plutono.envFromConfigMapsList of Kubernetes ConfigMaps (must be manually created in the same namespace) containing values to be added to the environment. Can be templated[]
plutono.envRenderSecretSensible environment variables passed to pods and stored as secret. (passed through tpl){}
plutono.enableServiceLinksInject Kubernetes services as environment variables.true
plutono.extraSecretMountsAdditional plutono server secret mounts[]
plutono.extraVolumeMountsAdditional plutono server volume mounts[]
plutono.extraVolumesAdditional Plutono server volumes[]
plutono.automountServiceAccountTokenMounted the service account token on the plutono pod. Mandatory, if sidecars are enabledtrue
plutono.createConfigmapEnable creating the plutono configmaptrue
plutono.extraConfigmapMountsAdditional plutono server configMap volume mounts (values are templated)[]
plutono.extraEmptyDirMountsAdditional plutono server emptyDir volume mounts[]
plutono.pluginsPlugins to be loaded along with Plutono[]
plutono.datasourcesConfigure plutono datasources (passed through tpl){}
plutono.alertingConfigure plutono alerting (passed through tpl){}
plutono.notifiersConfigure plutono notifiers{}
plutono.dashboardProvidersConfigure plutono dashboard providers{}
plutono.dashboardsDashboards to import{}
plutono.dashboardsConfigMapsConfigMaps reference that contains dashboards{}
plutono.plutono.iniPlutono’s primary configuration{}
global.imageRegistryGlobal image pull registry for all images.null
global.imagePullSecretsGlobal image pull secrets (can be templated). Allows either an array of {name: pullSecret} maps (k8s-style), or an array of strings (more common helm-style).[]
plutono.ldap.enabledEnable LDAP authenticationfalse
plutono.ldap.existingSecretThe name of an existing secret containing the ldap.toml file, this must have the key ldap-toml.""
plutono.ldap.configPlutono’s LDAP configuration""
plutono.annotationsDeployment annotations{}
plutono.labelsDeployment labels{}
plutono.podAnnotationsPod annotations{}
plutono.podLabelsPod labels{}
plutono.podPortNameName of the plutono port on the podplutono
plutono.lifecycleHooksLifecycle hooks for podStart and preStop Example{}
plutono.sidecar.image.registrySidecar image
plutono.sidecar.image.repositorySidecar image repositorykiwigrid/k8s-sidecar
plutono.sidecar.image.tagSidecar image tag1.26.0
plutono.sidecar.image.shaSidecar image sha (optional)""
plutono.sidecar.imagePullPolicySidecar image pull policyIfNotPresent
plutono.sidecar.resourcesSidecar resources{}
plutono.sidecar.securityContextSidecar securityContext{}
plutono.sidecar.enableUniqueFilenamesSets the kiwigrid/k8s-sidecar UNIQUE_FILENAMES environment variable. If set to true the sidecar will create unique filenames where duplicate data keys exist between ConfigMaps and/or Secrets within the same or multiple Namespaces.false
plutono.sidecar.alerts.enabledEnables the cluster wide search for alerts and adds/updates/deletes them in plutonofalse
plutono.sidecar.alerts.labelLabel that config maps with alerts should have to be addedplutono_alert
plutono.sidecar.alerts.labelValueLabel value that config maps with alerts should have to be added""
plutono.sidecar.alerts.searchNamespaceNamespaces list. If specified, the sidecar will search for alerts config-maps inside these namespaces. Otherwise the namespace in which the sidecar is running will be used. It’s also possible to specify ALL to search in all namespaces.nil
plutono.sidecar.alerts.watchMethodMethod to use to detect ConfigMap changes. With WATCH the sidecar will do a WATCH requests, with SLEEP it will list all ConfigMaps, then sleep for 60 seconds.WATCH
plutono.sidecar.alerts.resourceShould the sidecar looks into secrets, configmaps or both.both
plutono.sidecar.alerts.reloadURLFull url of datasource configuration reload API endpoint, to invoke after a config-map change"http://localhost:3000/api/admin/provisioning/alerting/reload"
plutono.sidecar.alerts.skipReloadEnabling this omits defining the REQ_URL and REQ_METHOD environment variablesfalse
plutono.sidecar.alerts.initAlertsSet to true to deploy the alerts sidecar as an initContainer. This is needed if skipReload is true, to load any alerts defined at startup time.false
plutono.sidecar.alerts.extraMountsAdditional alerts sidecar volume mounts.[]
plutono.sidecar.dashboards.enabledEnables the cluster wide search for dashboards and adds/updates/deletes them in plutonofalse
plutono.sidecar.dashboards.SCProviderEnables creation of sidecar providertrue
plutono.sidecar.dashboards.provider.nameUnique name of the plutono providersidecarProvider
plutono.sidecar.dashboards.provider.orgidId of the organisation, to which the dashboards should be added1
plutono.sidecar.dashboards.provider.folderLogical folder in which plutono groups dashboards""
plutono.sidecar.dashboards.provider.folderUidAllows you to specify the static UID for the logical folder above""
plutono.sidecar.dashboards.provider.disableDeleteActivate to avoid the deletion of imported dashboardsfalse
plutono.sidecar.dashboards.provider.allowUiUpdatesAllow updating provisioned dashboards from the UIfalse
plutono.sidecar.dashboards.provider.typeProvider typefile
plutono.sidecar.dashboards.provider.foldersFromFilesStructureAllow Plutono to replicate dashboard structure from filesystem.false
plutono.sidecar.dashboards.watchMethodMethod to use to detect ConfigMap changes. With WATCH the sidecar will do a WATCH requests, with SLEEP it will list all ConfigMaps, then sleep for 60 seconds.WATCH
plutono.sidecar.skipTlsVerifySet to true to skip tls verification for kube api callsnil
plutono.sidecar.dashboards.labelLabel that config maps with dashboards should have to be addedplutono_dashboard
plutono.sidecar.dashboards.labelValueLabel value that config maps with dashboards should have to be added""
plutono.sidecar.dashboards.folderFolder in the pod that should hold the collected dashboards (unless sidecar.dashboards.defaultFolderName is set). This path will be mounted./tmp/dashboards
plutono.sidecar.dashboards.folderAnnotationThe annotation the sidecar will look for in configmaps to override the destination folder for filesnil
plutono.sidecar.dashboards.defaultFolderNameThe default folder name, it will create a subfolder under the sidecar.dashboards.folder and put dashboards in there insteadnil
plutono.sidecar.dashboards.searchNamespaceNamespaces list. If specified, the sidecar will search for dashboards config-maps inside these namespaces. Otherwise the namespace in which the sidecar is running will be used. It’s also possible to specify ALL to search in all namespaces.nil
plutono.sidecar.dashboards.scriptAbsolute path to shell script to execute after a configmap got reloaded.nil
plutono.sidecar.dashboards.reloadURLFull url of dashboards configuration reload API endpoint, to invoke after a config-map change"http://localhost:3000/api/admin/provisioning/dashboards/reload"
plutono.sidecar.dashboards.skipReloadEnabling this omits defining the REQ_USERNAME, REQ_PASSWORD, REQ_URL and REQ_METHOD environment variablesfalse
plutono.sidecar.dashboards.resourceShould the sidecar looks into secrets, configmaps or both.both
plutono.sidecar.dashboards.extraMountsAdditional dashboard sidecar volume mounts.[]
plutono.sidecar.datasources.enabledEnables the cluster wide search for datasources and adds/updates/deletes them in plutonofalse
plutono.sidecar.datasources.labelLabel that config maps with datasources should have to be addedplutono_datasource
plutono.sidecar.datasources.labelValueLabel value that config maps with datasources should have to be added""
plutono.sidecar.datasources.searchNamespaceNamespaces list. If specified, the sidecar will search for datasources config-maps inside these namespaces. Otherwise the namespace in which the sidecar is running will be used. It’s also possible to specify ALL to search in all namespaces.nil
plutono.sidecar.datasources.watchMethodMethod to use to detect ConfigMap changes. With WATCH the sidecar will do a WATCH requests, with SLEEP it will list all ConfigMaps, then sleep for 60 seconds.WATCH
plutono.sidecar.datasources.resourceShould the sidecar looks into secrets, configmaps or both.both
plutono.sidecar.datasources.reloadURLFull url of datasource configuration reload API endpoint, to invoke after a config-map change"http://localhost:3000/api/admin/provisioning/datasources/reload"
plutono.sidecar.datasources.skipReloadEnabling this omits defining the REQ_URL and REQ_METHOD environment variablesfalse
plutono.sidecar.datasources.initDatasourcesSet to true to deploy the datasource sidecar as an initContainer in addition to a container. This is needed if skipReload is true, to load any datasources defined at startup time.false
plutono.sidecar.notifiers.enabledEnables the cluster wide search for notifiers and adds/updates/deletes them in plutonofalse
plutono.sidecar.notifiers.labelLabel that config maps with notifiers should have to be addedplutono_notifier
plutono.sidecar.notifiers.labelValueLabel value that config maps with notifiers should have to be added""
plutono.sidecar.notifiers.searchNamespaceNamespaces list. If specified, the sidecar will search for notifiers config-maps (or secrets) inside these namespaces. Otherwise the namespace in which the sidecar is running will be used. It’s also possible to specify ALL to search in all namespaces.nil
plutono.sidecar.notifiers.watchMethodMethod to use to detect ConfigMap changes. With WATCH the sidecar will do a WATCH requests, with SLEEP it will list all ConfigMaps, then sleep for 60 seconds.WATCH
plutono.sidecar.notifiers.resourceShould the sidecar looks into secrets, configmaps or both.both
plutono.sidecar.notifiers.reloadURLFull url of notifier configuration reload API endpoint, to invoke after a config-map change"http://localhost:3000/api/admin/provisioning/notifications/reload"
plutono.sidecar.notifiers.skipReloadEnabling this omits defining the REQ_URL and REQ_METHOD environment variablesfalse
plutono.sidecar.notifiers.initNotifiersSet to true to deploy the notifier sidecar as an initContainer in addition to a container. This is needed if skipReload is true, to load any notifiers defined at startup time.false
plutono.smtp.existingSecretThe name of an existing secret containing the SMTP credentials.""
plutono.smtp.userKeyThe key in the existing SMTP secret containing the username."user"
plutono.smtp.passwordKeyThe key in the existing SMTP secret containing the password."password"
plutono.admin.existingSecretThe name of an existing secret containing the admin credentials (can be templated).""
plutono.admin.userKeyThe key in the existing admin secret containing the username."admin-user"
plutono.admin.passwordKeyThe key in the existing admin secret containing the password."admin-password"
plutono.serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountTokenAutomount the service account token on all pods where is service account is usedfalse
plutono.serviceAccount.annotationsServiceAccount annotations
plutono.serviceAccount.createCreate service accounttrue
plutono.serviceAccount.labelsServiceAccount labels{}
plutono.serviceAccount.nameService account name to use, when empty will be set to created account if serviceAccount.create is set else to default``
plutono.serviceAccount.nameTestService account name to use for test, when empty will be set to created account if serviceAccount.create is set else to defaultnil
plutono.rbac.createCreate and use RBAC resourcestrue
plutono.rbac.namespacedCreates Role and Rolebinding instead of the default ClusterRole and ClusteRoleBindings for the plutono instancefalse
plutono.rbac.useExistingRoleSet to a rolename to use existing role - skipping role creating - but still doing serviceaccount and rolebinding to the rolename set here.nil
plutono.rbac.pspEnabledCreate PodSecurityPolicy (with rbac.create, grant roles permissions as well)false
plutono.rbac.pspUseAppArmorEnforce AppArmor in created PodSecurityPolicy (requires rbac.pspEnabled)false
plutono.rbac.extraRoleRulesAdditional rules to add to the Role[]
plutono.rbac.extraClusterRoleRulesAdditional rules to add to the ClusterRole[]
plutono.commandDefine command to be executed by plutono container at startupnil
plutono.argsDefine additional args if command is usednil
plutono.testFramework.enabledWhether to create test-related resourcestrue
plutono.testFramework.image.registrytest-framework image
plutono.testFramework.image.repositorytest-framework image repository.bats/bats
plutono.testFramework.image.tagtest-framework image tag.v1.4.1
plutono.testFramework.imagePullPolicytest-framework image pull policy.IfNotPresent
plutono.testFramework.securityContexttest-framework securityContext{}
plutono.downloadDashboards.envEnvironment variables to be passed to the download-dashboards container{}
plutono.downloadDashboards.envFromSecretName of a Kubernetes secret (must be manually created in the same namespace) containing values to be added to the environment. Can be templated""
plutono.downloadDashboards.resourcesResources of download-dashboards container{}
plutono.downloadDashboardsImage.registryCurl docker image
plutono.downloadDashboardsImage.repositoryCurl docker image repositorycurlimages/curl
plutono.downloadDashboardsImage.tagCurl docker image tag7.73.0
plutono.downloadDashboardsImage.shaCurl docker image sha (optional)""
plutono.downloadDashboardsImage.pullPolicyCurl docker image pull policyIfNotPresent
plutono.namespaceOverrideOverride the deployment namespace"" (Release.Namespace)
plutono.serviceMonitor.enabledUse servicemonitor from prometheus operatorfalse
plutono.serviceMonitor.namespaceNamespace this servicemonitor is installed in
plutono.serviceMonitor.intervalHow frequently Prometheus should scrape1m
plutono.serviceMonitor.pathPath to scrape/metrics
plutono.serviceMonitor.schemeScheme to use for metrics scrapinghttp
plutono.serviceMonitor.tlsConfigTLS configuration block for the endpoint{}
plutono.serviceMonitor.labelsLabels for the servicemonitor passed to Prometheus Operator{}
plutono.serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeoutTimeout after which the scrape is ended30s
plutono.serviceMonitor.relabelingsRelabelConfigs to apply to samples before scraping.[]
plutono.serviceMonitor.metricRelabelingsMetricRelabelConfigs to apply to samples before ingestion.[]
plutono.revisionHistoryLimitNumber of old ReplicaSets to retain10
plutono.networkPolicy.enabledEnable creation of NetworkPolicy resources.false
plutono.networkPolicy.allowExternalDon’t require client label for connectionstrue
plutono.networkPolicy.explicitNamespacesSelectorA Kubernetes LabelSelector to explicitly select namespaces from which traffic could be allowed{}
plutono.networkPolicy.ingressEnable the creation of an ingress network policytrue
plutono.networkPolicy.egress.enabledEnable the creation of an egress network policyfalse
plutono.networkPolicy.egress.portsAn array of ports to allow for the egress[]
plutono.enableKubeBackwardCompatibilityEnable backward compatibility of kubernetes where pod’s definition version below 1.13 doesn’t have the enableServiceLinks optionfalse

Example of extraVolumeMounts and extraVolumes

Configure additional volumes with extraVolumes and volume mounts with extraVolumeMounts.

Example for extraVolumeMounts and corresponding extraVolumes:

  - name: plugins
    mountPath: /var/lib/plutono/plugins
    subPath: configs/plutono/plugins
    readOnly: false
  - name: dashboards
    mountPath: /var/lib/plutono/dashboards
    hostPath: /usr/shared/plutono/dashboards
    readOnly: false

  - name: plugins
    existingClaim: existing-plutono-claim
  - name: dashboards
    hostPath: /usr/shared/plutono/dashboards

Volumes default to emptyDir. Set to persistentVolumeClaim, hostPath, csi, or configMap for other types. For a persistentVolumeClaim, specify an existing claim name with existingClaim.

Import dashboards

There are a few methods to import dashboards to Plutono. Below are some examples and explanations as to how to use each method:

      json: |

          # Complete json file here

          "title": "Some Dashboard",
          "uid": "abcd1234",
          "version": 1
      # This is a path to a file inside the dashboards directory inside the chart directory
      file: dashboards/custom-dashboard.json
      # Ref:
      gnetId: 2
      revision: 2
      datasource: Prometheus
      gnetId: 12019
      revision: 2
      - name: DS_PROMETHEUS
        value: Prometheus

Create a dashboard

  1. Click Dashboards in the main menu.

  2. Click New and select New Dashboard.

  3. Click Add new empty panel.

  4. Important: Add a datasource variable as they are provisioned in the cluster.

    • Go to Dashboard settings.
    • Click Variables.
    • Click Add variable.
    • General: Configure the variable with a proper Name as Type Datasource.
    • Data source options: Select the data source Type e.g. Prometheus.
    • Click Update.
    • Go back.
  5. Develop your panels.

    • On the Edit panel view, choose your desired Visualization.
    • Select the datasource variable you just created.
    • Write or construct a query in the query language of your data source.
    • Move and resize the panels as needed.
  6. Optionally add a tag to the dashboard to make grouping easier.

    • Go to Dashboard settings.
    • In the General section, add a Tag.
  7. Click Save. Note that the dashboard is saved in the browser’s local storage.

  8. Export the dashboard.

    • Go to Dashboard settings.
    • Click JSON Model.
    • Copy the JSON model.
    • Go to your Github repository and create a new JSON file in the dashboards directory.

BASE64 dashboards

Dashboards could be stored on a server that does not return JSON directly and instead of it returns a Base64 encoded file (e.g. Gerrit) A new parameter has been added to the url use case so if you specify a b64content value equals to true after the url entry a Base64 decoding is applied before save the file to disk. If this entry is not set or is equals to false not decoding is applied to the file before saving it to disk.

Gerrit use case

Gerrit API for download files has the following schema: https://yourgerritserver/a/{project-name}/branches/{branch-id}/files/{file-id}/content where {project-name} and {file-id} usually has ‘/’ in their values and so they MUST be replaced by %2F so if project-name is user/repo, branch-id is master and file-id is equals to dir1/dir2/dashboard the url value is https://yourgerritserver/a/user%2Frepo/branches/master/files/dir1%2Fdir2%2Fdashboard/content

Sidecar for dashboards

If the parameter sidecar.dashboards.enabled is set, a sidecar container is deployed in the plutono pod. This container watches all configmaps (or secrets) in the cluster and filters out the ones with a label as defined in sidecar.dashboards.label. The files defined in those configmaps are written to a folder and accessed by plutono. Changes to the configmaps are monitored and the imported dashboards are deleted/updated.

A recommendation is to use one configmap per dashboard, as a reduction of multiple dashboards inside one configmap is currently not properly mirrored in plutono.

NOTE: Configure your data sources in your dashboards as variables to keep them portable across clusters.

Example dashboard config:

Folder structure:

├── dashboard1.json
├── dashboard2.json

Helm template to create a configmap for each dashboard:

{{- range $path, $bytes := .Files.Glob "dashboards/*.json" }}
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap

  name: {{ printf "%s-%s" $.Release.Name $path | replace "/" "-" | trunc 63 }}
    plutono-dashboard: "true"

{{ printf "%s: |-" $path | replace "/" "-" | indent 2 }}
{{ printf "%s" $bytes | indent 4 }}

{{- end }}

Sidecar for datasources

If the parameter sidecar.datasources.enabled is set, an init container is deployed in the plutono pod. This container lists all secrets (or configmaps, though not recommended) in the cluster and filters out the ones with a label as defined in sidecar.datasources.label. The files defined in those secrets are written to a folder and accessed by plutono on startup. Using these yaml files, the data sources in plutono can be imported.

Should you aim for reloading datasources in Plutono each time the config is changed, set sidecar.datasources.skipReload: false and adjust sidecar.datasources.reloadURL to http://<svc-name>.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local/api/admin/provisioning/datasources/reload.

Secrets are recommended over configmaps for this usecase because datasources usually contain private data like usernames and passwords. Secrets are the more appropriate cluster resource to manage those.

Example datasource config:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: plutono-datasources
    # default value for: sidecar.datasources.label
    plutono-datasource: "true"
  datasources.yaml: |-
    apiVersion: 1
      - name: my-prometheus 
        type: prometheus
        access: proxy
        orgId: 1
        url: my-url-domain:9090
        isDefault: false
          httpMethod: 'POST'
        editable: false    

NOTE: If you might include credentials in your datasource configuration, make sure to not use stringdata but base64 encoded data instead.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: my-datasource
    plutono-datasource: "true"
  # The key must contain a unique name and the .yaml file type
  my-datasource.yaml: {{ include (print $.Template.BasePath "my-datasource.yaml") . | b64enc }}

Example values to add a datasource adapted from Grafana:

  apiVersion: 1
      # <string, required> Sets the name you use to refer to
      # the data source in panels and queries.
    - name: my-prometheus 
      # <string, required> Sets the data source type.
      type: prometheus
      # <string, required> Sets the access mode, either
      # proxy or direct (Server or Browser in the UI).
      # Some data sources are incompatible with any setting
      # but proxy (Server).
      access: proxy
      # <int> Sets the organization id. Defaults to orgId 1.
      orgId: 1
      # <string> Sets a custom UID to reference this
      # data source in other parts of the configuration.
      # If not specified, Plutono generates one.
      # <string> Sets the data source's URL, including the
      # port.
      url: my-url-domain:9090
      # <string> Sets the database user, if necessary.
      # <string> Sets the database name, if necessary.
      # <bool> Enables basic authorization.
      # <string> Sets the basic authorization username.
      # <bool> Enables credential headers.
      # <bool> Toggles whether the data source is pre-selected
      # for new panels. You can set only one default
      # data source per organization.
      isDefault: false
      # <map> Fields to convert to JSON and store in jsonData.
        httpMethod: 'POST'
        # <bool> Enables TLS authentication using a client
        # certificate configured in secureJsonData.
        # tlsAuth: true
        # <bool> Enables TLS authentication using a CA
        # certificate.
        # tlsAuthWithCACert: true
      # <map> Fields to encrypt before storing in jsonData.
        # <string> Defines the CA cert, client cert, and
        # client key for encrypted authentication.
        # tlsCACert: '...'
        # tlsClientCert: '...'
        # tlsClientKey: '...'
        # <string> Sets the database password, if necessary.
        # password:
        # <string> Sets the basic authorization password.
        # basicAuthPassword:
      # <int> Sets the version. Used to compare versions when
      # updating. Ignored when creating a new data source.
      version: 1
      # <bool> Allows users to edit data sources from the
      # Plutono UI.
      editable: false

How to serve Plutono with a path prefix (/plutono)

In order to serve Plutono with a prefix (e.g.,, add the following to your values.yaml.

  enabled: true
  annotations: "nginx" /$1 "true"

  path: /plutono/?(.*)

    root_url: http://localhost:3000/plutono # this host can be localhost

How to securely reference secrets in plutono.ini

This example uses Plutono file providers for secret values and the extraSecretMounts configuration flag (Additional plutono server secret mounts) to mount the secrets.

In plutono.ini:

  enabled = true
  client_id = $__file{/etc/secrets/auth_generic_oauth/client_id}
  client_secret = $__file{/etc/secrets/auth_generic_oauth/client_secret}

Existing secret, or created along with helm:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: auth-generic-oauth-secret
type: Opaque
  client_id: <value>
  client_secret: <value>

Include in the extraSecretMounts configuration flag:

- extraSecretMounts:
  - name: auth-generic-oauth-secret-mount
    secretName: auth-generic-oauth-secret
    defaultMode: 0440
    mountPath: /etc/secrets/auth_generic_oauth
    readOnly: true

14 - Service exposure test

This Plugin is just providing a simple exposed service for manual testing.

By adding the following label to a service it will become accessible from the central greenhouse system via a service proxy: "true"

This plugin create an nginx deployment with an exposed service for testing.


Specific port

By default expose would always use the first port. If you need another port, you’ve got to specify it by name: YOURPORTNAME

15 - Teams2Slack


This Plugin provides a Slack integration for a Greenhouse organization.
It manages Slack entities like channels, groups, handles, etc. and its members based on the teams configured in your Greenhouse organization.

Important: Please ensure that only one deployment of Teams2slack runs against the same set of groups in slack. Secondary instances should run in the provided Dry-Run mode. Otherwise you might notice inconsistencies if the Teammembership object of a cluster are uneqal.


  • A Kubernetes Cluster to run against
  • The presence of the Greenhouse Teammemberships CRD and corresponding objects.



The Teammembership contain the members of a team. Changes to an object will create an event in Kubernetes. This event will be consumed by the first controller. It creates a mirrored SlackGroup object that reflects the content of the Teammembership Object. This approach has the advantage that deletion of a team can be securely detected with the utilization of finalizers. The second controller detects changes on SlackGroup objects. The users present in a team will be aligned to a slack group.


Deploy a the Teams2Slack Plugin and it’s Plugin which looks like the following structure (the following structure only includes the mandatory fields):

kind: Plugin
  name: teams2slack
  namespace: default
  pluginDefinition: teams2slack
  disabled: false
    - name: groupNamePrefix
    - name: groupNameSuffix
    - name: infoChannelID
    - name: token
          key: SLACK_TOKEN
          name: teams2slack-secret
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret

  name: teams2slack-secret
type: Opaque
  SLACK_TOKEN: // Slack token b64 encoded

The values that can or need to be provided have the following meaning:

Environment VariableMeaning
groupNamePrefix (mandatory)The prefix the created slack group should have. Choose a prefix that matches your organization.
groupNameSuffix (mandatory)The suffix the created slack group should have. Choose a suffix that matches your organization.
infoChannelID (mandatory)The channel ID created Slack Groups should have. You can currently define one slack ID which will be applied to all created groups. Make sure to take the channel ID and not the channel name.
token(mandatory)the slack token to authenticate against Slack.
eventRequeueTimer (optional)If a slack API requests fails due to a network error, or because data is currently fetched, it will be requed to the operators workQueue. Uses the golang date format. (1s = every second 1m = every minute )
loadDataBackoffTimer (optional)Defines, when a Slack-API data call occurs. Uses the golang data format.
dryRun (optional)Slack write operations are not executed if value is set to true. Requires a valid. Requires: A valid SLACK_TOKEN; the other environment variables can be mocked.

16 - Thanos

Learn more about the Thanos Plugin. Use it to enable extended metrics retention and querying across Prometheus servers and Greenhouse clusters.

The main terminologies used in this document can be found in core-concepts.


Thanos is a set of components that can be used to extend the storage and retrieval of metrics in Prometheus. It allows you to store metrics in a remote object store and query them across multiple Prometheus servers and Greenhouse clusters. This Plugin is intended to provide a set of pre-configured Thanos components that enable a proven composition. At the core, a set of Thanos components is installed that adds long-term storage capability to a single kube-monitoring Plugin and makes both current and historical data available again via one Thanos Query component.

Thanos Architecture

The Thanos Sidecar is a component that is deployed as a container together with a Prometheus instance. This allows Thanos to optionally upload metrics to the object store and Thanos Query to access Prometheus data via a common, efficient StoreAPI.

The Thanos Compact component applies the Prometheus 2.0 Storage Engine compaction process to data uploaded to the object store. The Compactor is also responsible for applying the configured retention and downsampling of the data.

The Thanos Store also implements the StoreAPI and serves the historical data from an object store. It acts primarily as an API gateway and has no persistence itself.

Thanos Query implements the Prometheus HTTP v1 API for querying data in a Thanos cluster via PromQL. In short, it collects the data needed to evaluate the query from the connected StoreAPIs, evaluates the query and returns the result.

This plugin deploys the following Thanos components:

Planned components:

This Plugin does not deploy the following components:


It is not meant to be a comprehensive package that covers all scenarios. If you are an expert, feel free to configure the Plugin according to your needs.

Contribution is highly appreciated. If you discover bugs or want to add functionality to the plugin, then pull requests are always welcome.

Quick start

This guide provides a quick and straightforward way to use Thanos as a Greenhouse Plugin on your Kubernetes cluster. The guide is meant to build the following setup.


  • A running and Greenhouse-onboarded Kubernetes cluster. If you don’t have one, follow the Cluster onboarding guide.
  • Ready to use credentials for a compatible object store
  • kube-monitoring plugin installed. Thanos Sidecar on the Prometheus must be enabled by providing the required object store credentials.

Step 1:

Create a Kubernetes Secret with your object store credentials following the Object Store preparation section.

Step 2:

Enable the Thanos Sidecar on the Prometheus in the kube-monitoring plugin by providing the required object store credentials. Follow the kube-monitoring plugin enablement section.

Step 3:

Create a Thanos Query Plugin by following the Thanos Query section.


Object Store preparation

To run Thanos, you need object storage credentials. Get the credentials of your provider and add them to a Kubernetes Secret. The Thanos documentation provides a great overview on the different supported store types.

Usually this looks somewhat like this


If you’ve got everything in a file, deploy it in your remote cluster in the namespace, where Prometheus and Thanos will be.

Important: $THANOS_PLUGIN_NAME is needed later for the respective Thanos plugin and they must not be different!

kubectl create secret generic $THANOS_PLUGIN_NAME-metrics-objectstore --from-file=thanos.yaml=/path/to/your/file

kube-monitoring plugin enablement

Prometheus in kube-monitoring needs to be altered to have a sidecar and ship metrics to the new object store too. You have to provide the Secret you’ve just created to the (most likely already existing) kube-monitoring plugin. Add this:

      - name: kubeMonitoring.prometheus.prometheusSpec.thanos.objectStorageConfig.existingSecret.key
        value: thanos.yaml
      - name:
        value: $THANOS_PLUGIN_NAME-metrics-objectstore

Values used here are described in the Prometheus Operator Spec.

Thanos Query

This is the real deal now: Define your Thanos Query by creating a plugin.

NOTE1: $THANOS_PLUGIN_NAME needs to be consistent with your secret created earlier.

NOTE2: The releaseNamespace needs to be the same as to where kube-monitoring resides. By default this is kube-monitoring.

kind: Plugin
  pluginDefinition: thanos
  disabled: false
  clusterName: $YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME 
  releaseNamespace: kube-monitoring

[OPTIONAL] Handling your Prometheus and Thanos Stores.

Default Prometheus and Thanos Endpoint

Thanos Query is automatically adding the Prometheus and Thanos endpoints. If you just have a single Prometheus with Thanos enabled this will work out of the box. Details in the next two chapters. See Standalone Query for your own configuration.

Prometheus Endpoint

Thanos Query would check for a service prometheus-operated in the same namespace with this GRPC port to be available 10901. The cli option looks like this and is configured in the Plugin itself:


Thanos Endpoint

Thanos Query would check for a Thanos endpoint named like releaseName-store. The associated command line flag for this parameter would look like:


If you just have one occurence of this Thanos plugin dpeloyed, the default option would work and does not need anything else.

Standalone Query

Standalone Query

In case you want to achieve a setup like above and have an overarching Thanos Query to run with multiple Stores, you can set it to standalone and add your own store list. Setup your Plugin like this:

  - name: thanos.query.standalone
    value: true

This would enable you to either:

  • query multiple stores with a single Query

      - name: thanos.query.stores
          - thanos-kube-1-store:10901 
          - thanos-kube-2-store:10901 
          - kube-monitoring-1-prometheus:10901 
          - kube-monitoring-2-prometheus:10901 
  • query multiple Thanos Queries with a single Query Note that there is no -store suffix here in this case.

      - name: thanos.query.stores
          - thanos-kube-1:10901
          - thanos-kube-2:10901


Thanos Compactor

If you deploy the plugin with the default values, Thanos compactor will be shipped too and use the same secret ($THANOS_PLUGIN_NAME-metrics-objectstore) to retrieve, compact and push back timeseries.

Based on experience, a 100Gi-PVC is used in order not to overload the ephermeral storage of the Kubernetes Nodes. Depending on the configured retention and the amount of metrics, this may not be sufficient and larger volumes may be required. In any case, it is always safe to clear the volume of the compactor and increase it if necessary.

The object storage costs will be heavily impacted on how granular timeseries are being stored (reference Downsampling). These are the pre-configured defaults, you can change them as needed:

raw: 777600s (90d)
5m: 777600s (90d)
1h: 157680000 (5y)