
This Plugin provides the cert-manager to automate the management of TLS certificates.


This section highlights configuration of selected Plugin features.
All available configuration options are described in the plugin.yaml.

Ingress shim

An Ingress resource in Kubernetes configures external access to services in a Kubernetes cluster.
Securing ingress resources with TLS certificates is a common use-case and the cert-manager can be configured to handle these via the ingress-shim component.
It can be enabled by deploying an issuer in your organization and setting the following options on this plugin.

cert-manager.ingressShim.defaultIssuerNamestringName of the cert-manager issuer to use for TLS certificates
cert-manager.ingressShim.defaultIssuerKindstringKind of the cert-manager issuer to use for TLS certificates
cert-manager.ingressShim.defaultIssuerGroupstringGroup of the cert-manager issuer to use for TLS certificates