
This Plugin is intended for ingesting, generating, collecting, and exporting telemetry data (metrics, logs, and traces).

Components included in this Plugin:

The Plugin will deploy the OpenTelemetry Operator which works as a manager for the collectors and auto-instrumentation of the workload. By default the Plugin will also

  1. Collect logs via the Filelog Receiver, process and export them to OpenSearch
    • You can disable the collecting of logs by setting open_telemetry.LogCollector.enabled to false.
  2. Collect and expose metrics using a Prometheus interface which defaults to port 8888
    • You can disable the collecting of metrics by setting open_telemetry.MetricsCollector.enabled to false.

Contributors are welcome to provide additional collector configurations.


  1. Timo Johner (@timojohlo)
  2. Olaf Heydorn (@kuckkuck)
  3. Tommy Sauer (@viennaa)


openTelemetry.logsCollector.enabledActivates the standard configuration for logsboolfalse
openTelemetry.metricsCollector.enabledActivates the standard configuration for metricsboolfalse
openTelemetry.openSearchLogs.usernameUsername for OpenSearch endpointsecretfalse
openTelemetry.openSearchLogs.passwordPassword for OpenSearch endpointsecretfalse
openTelemetry.openSearchLogs.endpointEndpoint URL for OpenSearchsecretfalse
openTelemetry.regionRegion label for loggingstringfalse
openTelemetry.clusterCluster label for loggingstringfalse
openTelemetry.prometheusLabel for Prometheus Service Monitoringstringfalse
openTelemetry.podMonitor.enabledActivates the pod-monitoring for the LogsCollectorboolfalse
opentelemetry-operator.admissionWbhooks.certManager.enabledActivate to use the CertManager for generating self-signed certificatesboolfalse
opentelemetry-operator.admissionWebhooks.autoGenerateCert.enabledActivate to use Helm to create self-signed certificatesboolfalse
opentelemetry-operator.admissionWebhooks.autoGenerateCert.recreateActivate to recreate the cert after a defined period (certPeriodDays default is 365)boolfalse
opentelemetry-operator.kubeRBACProxy.enabledActivate to enable Kube-RBAC-Proxy for OpenTelemetryboolfalse
opentelemetry-operator.manager.prometheusRule.defaultRules.enabledActivate to enable default rules for monitoring the OpenTelemetry Managerboolfalse
opentelemetry-operator.manager.prometheusRule.enabledActivate to enable rules for monitoring the OpenTelemetry Managerboolfalse
opentelemetry-operator.manager.serviceMonitor.enabledActivate to enable the Service Monitor to ingest the metrics of the OpenTelemetry Collector in Prometheusboolfalse
