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Cluster management

Manage your Kubernetes clusters via Greenhouse.

Greenhouse enables organizations to register their Kubernetes clusters within the platform, providing a centralized interface for managing and monitoring these clusters.
Once registered, users can perform tasks related to cluster management, such as deploying applications, scaling resources, and configuring access control, all within the Greenhouse platform.

This section provides guides for the management of Kubernetes clusters within Greenhouse.

1 - Cluster onboarding

Onboard an existing Kubernetes cluster to Greenhouse.

Content Overview

This guides describes how to onboard an existing Kubernetes cluster to your Greenhouse organization.
If you don’t have an organization yet please reach out to the Greenhouse administrators.

While all members of an organization can see existing clusters, their management requires org-admin or cluster-admin privileges.

NOTE: The UI is currently in development. For now this guide describes the onboarding workflow via command line.


Download the latest greenhousectl binary from here.

Onboarding a Cluster to Greenhouse will require you to authenticate to two different Kubernetes clusters via respective kubeconfig files:

  • greenhouse: The cluster your Greenhouse installation is running on. You need organization-admin or cluster-admin privileges.
  • bootstrap: The cluster you want to onboard. You need system:masters privileges.

For consistency we will refer to those two clusters by their names from now on.

You need to have the kubeconfig files for both the greenhouse and the bootstrap cluster at hand. The kubeconfig file for the greenhouse cluster can be downloaded via the Greenhouse dashboard:

Organization > Clusters > Access Greenhouse cluster.


For accessing the bootstrap cluster, the greenhousectl will expect your default Kubernetes kubeconfig file and context to be set to bootstrap. This can be achieved by passing the --kubeconfig flag or by setting the KUBECONFIG env var.

The location of the kubeconfig file to the greenhouse cluster is passed via the --greenhouse-kubeconfig flag.

greenhousectl cluster bootstrap --kubeconfig=<path/to/bootstrap-kubeconfig-file> --greenhouse-kubeconfig <path/to/greenhouse-kubeconfig-file> --org <greenhouse-organization-name> --cluster-name <name>

Since Greenhouse generates URLs which contain the cluster name, we highly recommend to choose a short cluster name. In particular for Gardener Clusters setting a short name is mandatory, because Gardener has very long cluster names, e.g. garden-greenhouse--monitoring-external.

A typical output when you run the command looks like

2024-02-01T09:34:55.522+0100	INFO	setup	Loaded kubeconfig	{"context": "default", "host": ""}
2024-02-01T09:34:55.523+0100	INFO	setup	Loaded client kubeconfig	{"host": ""}
2024-02-01T09:34:56.579+0100	INFO	setup	Bootstraping cluster	{"clusterName": "monitoring", "orgName": "ccloud"}
2024-02-01T09:34:56.639+0100	INFO	setup	created namespace	{"name": "ccloud"}
2024-02-01T09:34:56.696+0100	INFO	setup	created serviceAccount	{"name": "greenhouse"}
2024-02-01T09:34:56.810+0100	INFO	setup	created clusterRoleBinding	{"name": "greenhouse"}
2024-02-01T09:34:57.189+0100	INFO	setup	created clusterSecret	{"name": "monitoring"}
2024-02-01T09:34:58.309+0100	INFO	setup	Bootstraping cluster finished	{"clusterName": "monitoring", "orgName": "ccloud"}

After onboarding

  1. List all clusters in your Greenhouse organization:
   kubectl --namespace=<greenhouse-organization-name> get clusters
  1. Show the details of a cluster:
   kubectl --namespace=<greenhouse-organization-name> get cluster <name> -o yaml


kind: Cluster
  creationTimestamp: "2024-02-07T10:23:23Z"
  generation: 1
  name: monitoring
  namespace: ccloud
  resourceVersion: "282792586"
  uid: 0db6e464-ec36-459e-8a05-4ad668b57f42
  accessMode: direct
  maxTokenValidity: 72h
  bearerTokenExpirationTimestamp: "2024-02-09T06:28:57Z"
  kubernetesVersion: v1.27.8
      - lastTransitionTime: "2024-02-09T06:28:57Z"
        status: "True"
        type: Ready

When the status.kubernetesVersion field shows the correct version of the Kubernetes cluster, the cluster was successfully bootstrapped in Greenhouse. Then status.conditions will contain a Condition with type=Ready and status="true""

In the remote cluster, a new namespace is created and contains some resources managed by Greenhouse. The namespace has the same name as your organization in Greenhouse.


If the bootstrapping failed, you can find details about why it failed in the Cluster.statusConditions. More precisely there will be a condition of type=KubeConfigValid which might have hints in the message field. This is also displayed in the UI on the Cluster details view. Reruning the onboarding command with an updated kubeConfig file will fix these issues.

2 - Cluster offboarding

Offboarding an existing Kubernetes cluster in Greenhouse.

Content Overview

This guides describes how to off-board an existing Kubernetes cluster in your Greenhouse organization.

While all members of an organization can see existing clusters, their management requires org-admin or cluster-admin privileges.

NOTE: The UI is currently in development. For now this guide describes the onboarding workflow via command line.


Offboarding a Cluster in Greenhouse requires authenticating to the greenhouse cluster via kubeconfig file:

  • greenhouse: The cluster where Greenhouse installation is running on.
  • organization-admin or cluster-admin privileges is needed for deleting a Cluster resource.

Schedule Deletion

By default Cluster resource deletion is blocked by ValidatingWebhookConfiguration in Greenhouse. This is done to prevent accidental deletion of cluster resources.

List the clusters in your Greenhouse organization:

kubectl --namespace=<greenhouse-organization-name> get clusters

A typical output when you run the command looks like

mycluster-1   15d    direct       True
mycluster-2   35d    direct       True
mycluster-3   108d   direct       True

Delete a Cluster resource by annotating it with "true".


kubectl annotate cluster mycluster-1 --namespace=my-org

Once the Cluster resource is annotated, the Cluster will be scheduled for deletion in 48 hours (UTC time). This is reflected in the Cluster resource annotations and in the status conditions.

View the deletion schedule by inspecting the Cluster resource:

kubectl get cluster mycluster-1 --namespace=my-org -o yaml

A typical output when you run the command looks like

kind: Cluster
  annotations: "true" "2025-01-17 11:16:40"
  name: mycluster-1
  namespace: my-org
  accessMode: direct
    maxTokenValidity: 72
    - lastTransitionTime: "2025-01-15T11:16:40Z"
      message: deletion scheduled at 2025-01-17 11:16:40
      reason: ScheduledDeletion
      status: "False"
      type: Delete

In order to cancel the deletion, you can remove the annotation:

kubectl annotate cluster mycluster-1 --namespace=my-org

the - at the end of the annotation name is used to remove the annotation.


When a Cluster resource is scheduled for deletion, all Plugin resources associated with the Cluster resource will skip the reconciliation process.

When the deletion schedule is reached, the Cluster resource will be deleted and all associated resources Plugin resources will be deleted as well.

Immediate Deletion

In order to delete a Cluster resource immediately -

  1. annotate the Cluster resource with (see Schedule Deletion)
  2. update the annotation to the current date and time.

You can also annotate the Cluster resource with and at the same time and set the current date and time for deletion.

The time and date should be in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format or golang’s time.DateTime format. The time should be in UTC timezone.


If the cluster deletion has failed, you can troubleshoot the issue by inspecting -

  1. Cluster resource status conditions, specifically the KubeConfigValid condition.
  2. status conditions of the Plugin resources associated with the Cluster resource. There will be a clear indication of the issue in HelmReconcileFailed condition.