Remote Cluster Connectivity with OIDC
Content Overview
This guide describes how to onboard an existing Kubernetes cluster to your Greenhouse Organization with OIDC configuration. If you don’t have a Greenhouse Organization yet, please reach out to the Greenhouse administrators.
While all members of an Organization can see existing Clusters, their management requires org-admin
NOTE: The UI is currently in development. For now this guide describes the onboarding workflow via command line.
OIDC Overview
Starting from Kubernetes v1.21, the feature Service Account Issuer Discovery transforms the Kubernetes API server into an OIDC identity provider. This setup facilitates the issuance of tokens, via service accounts to pods, which are recognizable by external services outside the Kubernetes cluster, thereby establishing an authentication pathway between the pod within the cluster and external services including those on Azure, AWS, etc.
Starting from Kubernetes v1.30, Structured Authentication Configuration moved to beta and the feature gate is enabled by default. This feature allows configuring multiple OIDC issuers and passing them as a configuration file to the Kubernetes API server.
More information on Structured Authentication Configuration can be found at
With the combination of Service Account Issuer Discovery and Structured Authentication Configuration, Cluster to Cluster trust can be established.
A remote cluster can add the Greenhouse
cluster’s Service Account Issuer as an
OIDC issuer in its Structured Authentication Configuration. This allows the Greenhouse
cluster to authenticate
against said remote cluster, using an in-cluster service account token.
The OIDC Remote Cluster Connectivity is illustrated below -
(Pattern: `prefix:system:serviceaccount:org-name:cluster-name`) User->>AC: Applies Kubernetes Secret with OIDC parameters
(Namespace: Organization's Namespace) AC-->>AC: `Bootstrap controller creates ServiceAccount
(Sets OIDC Secret as owner on SA)` AC-->>AC: Bootstrap controller requests Token from ServiceAccount AC-->>AC: Bootstrap controller writes/updates KubeConfig in OIDC Secret
(Key: greenhouseKubeconfig) AC-->>AC: Bootstrap controller creates Cluster CR
(Sets Cluster as owner on OIDC Secret) AC-->>AC: Cluster controller fetches KubeConfig from Secret AC->>RC: Cluster controller requests Kubernetes Version & Node Status RC-->>AC: 🔍 Introspects Incoming Token
(Introspection towards Admin-Cluster Service Account Issuer URL) RC-->>RC: 🔒 Verifies Authorization via RBAC RC->>AC: ✅ Responds with Requested Resources or ❌ Authentication/Authorization Failure AC-->>AC: ⏰ Periodic rotation of Kubeconfig in OIDC Secret
(key: greenhouseKubeconfig)
The Greenhouse
cluster should expose the /.well-known/openid-configuration
over an unauthenticated endpoint to allow
remote clusters to fetch the OIDC configuration.
Some cloud providers or managed Kubernetes services might not expose the Service Account Issuer Discovery as an unauthenticated endpoint. In such cases, you can serve this configuration from a different endpoint and set this as the discoveryURL in structured authentication configuration.
Check out for more information.
Configure the OIDC issuer in the Structured Authentication Configuration
of the remote cluster.
Example Structured Authentication Configuration file
kind: AuthenticationConfiguration
- issuer:
url: https://<greenhouse-service-account-issuer>
- greenhouse # audience should be greenhouse
claim: 'sub' # claim to be used as username
prefix: 'greenhouse:' # prefix to be added to the username to prevent impersonation (can be any string of your choice)
# additional trusted issuers
# - issuer:
Add RBAC rules to the remote cluster, authorizing Greenhouse
to manage Kubernetes resources.
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: greenhouse-<cluster-name>-oidc-access
- kind: User
name: greenhouse:system:serviceaccount:<your-organization-namespace>:<cluster-name>
kind: ClusterRole
name: cluster-admin
The subject kind User
name must follow the pattern of
is the prefix used in the Structured Authentication Configuration
file for the username
claim mapping.
For convenience purposes, the `prefix` is set to `greenhouse:` in the example `Structured Authentication Configuration`
but it can be any string identifier of your choice.
If you use '-' in prefix, for example, `identifier-` then the subject name should be `identifier-system:serviceaccount:<your-organization-namespace>:<cluster-name>`.
You can now onboard the remote Cluster to your Greenhouse Organization by applying a Secret in the following format:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
"": "https://<remote-cluster-api-server-url>"
name: <cluster-name> # ensure the name provided here is the same as the <cluster-name> in the ClusterRoleBinding
namespace: <organization-namespace>
ca.crt: <double-encoded-ca.crt> # remote cluster CA certificate base64 encoded
type: # secret type
Mandatory fields:
- the annotation
must have a valid URL pointing to the remote cluster’s API server - the
field must contain the remote cluster’s CA certificate - the type of the Secret must be
- the name of the secret must equal the
used in theClusterRoleBinding
is the certificate-authority-data
from the kubeconfig file of the remote cluster.
The certificate-authority-data
can be extracted from the ConfigMap kube-root-ca.crt
. This ConfigMap is present in every Namespace.
If the certificate is extracted from kube-root-ca.crt
then it should be base64 encoded twice before adding it to the
$ kubectl get configmap kube-root-ca.crt -n kube-system -o jsonpath='{\.crt}' | base64 | base64
If the certificate is extracted from the KubeConfig file then the certificate is already base64 encoded, so the encoding is needed only once.
Apply the Secret to the Organization Namespace to onboard the remote cluster.
$ kubectl apply -f <oidc-secret-file>.yaml
If the bootstrapping failed, you can find details about why it failed in the Cluster.status.statusConditions
. More precisely
there will be a condition of type=KubeConfigValid
and type=Ready
which contain more information in the message
This is also displayed in the UI on the Cluster
details view.
If there is any error message regarding RBAC then check the ClusterRoleBinding
and ensure the subject name is correct
If there is any authentication error then you might see a message similar to
the server has asked for the client to provide credentials
in such cases verify the Structured Authentication Configuration
and ensure the issuer
and audiences
are correct.
The API Server
logs in the remote cluster will provide more information on the authentication errors.