Creating an organization

Creating an organization in Greenhouse

Before you begin

This guides describes how to create an organization in Greenhouse.

During phase 1 and 2 of the roadmap Greenhouse is only open to selected early adopters.
Please reach out to the Greenhouse team to register and create your organization via Slack or DL Greenhouse.

Creating an organization

An organization within the Greenhouse cloud operations platform is a separate unit with its own configuration, teams, and resources tailored to their requirements.
These organizations can represent different teams, departments, or projects within an enterprise, and they operate independently within the Greenhouse platform. They allow for the isolation and management of resources and configurations specific to their needs.

While the Greenhouse is build on the idea of a self-service API and automation driven platform, the workflow to onboard an organization to Greenhouse currently involves reaching out to the Greenhouse administrators until the official go-live.
This ensures all pre-requisites are met, the organization is configured correctly and the administrators understand the platform capabilities.

:exclamation: Please note that the name of an organization is immutable.


  1. CAM Profile
    A CAM profile is required to configure the administrators of the organization.
    Please include the name of the profile in the message to the Greenhouse team when signing up.

  2. SAP ID service
    The authentication for the users belonging to your organization is based on the OpenID Connect (OIDC) standard.
    For SAP, we recommend using a SAP ID service (IDS) tenant.
    Please include the parameters for your tenant in the message to the Greenhouse team when signing up.

    If you don’t have a SAP ID Service tenant yet, please refer to the SAP ID Service section for more information.

  3. Greenhouse organization
    A Greenhouse administrator applies the following configuration to the central Greenhouse cluster.
    Bear in mind that the name of the organization is immutable and will be part of all URLs.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Namespace
      name: my-organization
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: oidc-config
      namespace: my-organization
    type: Opaque
      clientID: ...
      clientSecret: ...
    kind: Organization
      name: my-organization
            key: clientID
            name: oidc-config
            key: clientSecret
            name: oidc-config
          issuer: https://...
      description: My new organization
      displayName: Short name of the organization
      mappedOrgAdminIdPGroup: Name of the group in the IDP that should be mapped to the organization admin role.